![Ann Coulter]() |
February 25, 2010
What Part of 'Party of No' Don't You Understand?
by Ann Coulter |
Inasmuch as Obamacare has a snowball's chance in hell of passing (but did you see how much snow they got in hell last week?), everyone is wondering
what President Obama is up to by calling Republicans to a televised Reykjavik summit this week to discuss socializing health care.
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If the president is serious about passing nationalized health care, he ought to be meeting with the Democrats, not the Republicans.
Republicans can't stop the Democrats from socializing health care: They are a tiny minority party in both the House and the Senate. (Note to
America: You might want to keep this in mind next time you go to the polls.) As the Democratic base has been hysterically pointing
out, both the House and the Senate have already passed national health care bills. Either body could vote for the other's bill, and -- presto! --
Obama would have a national health care bill, replete with death panels, abortion coverage and lots and lots of new government commissions!
Government Plan to Confiscate Private Assets Exposed!
This is not a
warning about a third-world, banana republic. It's what's happening right here, right now in the halls of Congress. Officials in
Washington are planning to nationalize $14 trillion dollars of private retirement savings. To patch up the federal balance sheet. YOUR
savings. Click here to see all
the shocking proof for yourself PLUS the three steps you must to take, if you don't want to fall victim to their
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