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Obamacare: They Still Don't Get It!!

Human Events
Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, Republican Majority Campaign PAC. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of Human Events or Eagle Publishing.

Dear Fellow American,

Today, we stand on the precipice as a country. Within the next few days, we may be overtaken by a wave of socialism! Plain and simple... that is what it really is. People in the Obama Administration are trying to paint a rosy picture---but, plain and simple, it is SOCIALISM! OBAMACARE is socialism in its purest form, and it is going to adversely affect YOU and your family! OBAMACARE will cause America to literally go bankrupt!

You and I must stop OBAMACARE in its tracks!

AND WE MUST DO IT NOW, before it is too late!

Barack Hussein Obama STILL does not "get it"--- he still has not paid any attention to the will (in every poll) of the American people. The latest Quinnipiac University National Poll shows, "American voters still disapprove 54 - 35 percent of Obama's Health Care Reform Plan, but they say 52 - 44 percent they want Congress and the President to keep trying on health care reform rather than giving up and moving on to other matters."

At today's Summit, Vice-President Biden stated, "I am always reluctant after being here 37 years to tell people what the American people think. I think it requires a little bit of humility to be able to know what the American people think. And I don't." Mr. Vice-President, you need to LISTEN to the American people---54 percent oppose OBAMACARE!!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to let them know that you OPPOSE OBAMACARE. Your DONATION to the Republican Majority Campaign (RMC) is urgently needed to defeat this attempt to push OBAMACARE through Congress!

I watched intently today the "OBAMACARE SUMMIT" as it was called. Frankly, I called it a continuation of "THE GREAT DIVIDE" that we have in this country, through the Democratic misinformation campaign that is going on. If one watched the proceedings today, there is a very clear choice of which way this country is to go: towards socialism with the Democrats; or away from socialism with the Republicans. The two different ideologies were very distinctive and very different! The choice should now crystal clear in the minds of most Americans.

Mr. Obama insulted Americans today. During the "Healthcare Reconciliation Summit" held today with Congressional leaders, Mr. Obama callously talked about the strong possibility of a parliamentary "reconciliation" effort that only requires 50 U. S. Senate votes to pass. He charged, "You know, this issue of reconciliation has been brought up. Again, I think the American people aren't always all that interested in procedures inside the Senate. I do think they want a vote on how we're going to move this forward."

What this means is that Barack Obama is prepared to give the "green light" for Congressional leadership to move ahead with the so-called "nuclear option" or "budget reconciliation" parliamentary procedure! This will be an attempt to ignore the Rules of the U. S. Senate and block debate on, and any filibuster against, OBAMACARE! We must fight this "end run" tactic, and WE MUST STOP OBAMACARE!!

According to the Gallup poll, Americans OPPOSE the use of the "reconciliation" strategy! Today's Gallup poll states, "By a larger 52% to 39% margin, Americans... oppose the Democrats in the Senate using a reconciliation procedure to avoid a possible Republican filibuster and pass a bill by a simple majority vote."

CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to let them know that you OPPOSE OBAMACARE. Your DONATION to RMC is critically needed to defeat this "reconciliation" attempt! Hurry! They could vote any time! That's how divisive Mr. Obama and his "Congressional Generals" really are!

I agree with the initial Republican who spoke at the summit, U. S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN), when he said, "We think we have a better idea. START OVER!!" Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sarcastically answered Senator Alexander, "You're entitled to your own opinions..." Apparently, Senator Reid "doesn't get it" either! Americans agree with Republicans. They want a fresh start on health care. According to a recent CNN poll, "73 percent of Americans say, 'Lawmakers should work on an entirely new bill' or 'stop all work.'"

NOW, more than ever, I saw the true intentions---all six hours and 22 minutes worth of dialogue and debate. Mr. Obama and the liberal Democrats in the House and Senate are determined to do whatever it takes to force OBAMACARE down our throats! WE MUST STOP OBAMACARE, AND WE MUST STOP IT NOW!

In one of the most heated dialogue sessions of this so-called "reconciliation summit" former Republican Presidential Nominee and U. S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) discussed that most Americans were against any "backroom deals" just to pass healthcare reform. Mr. Obama brushed aside that charge, claiming that Senator McCain was back to his usual politics.

That's right, my friend, the Democrats STILL DON'T GET IT!! The Chicago-style, backroom, deals that have permeated this year-long debate on OBAMACARE have sickened most Americans. And we're not going to take it anymore! We must force into the open, and stop, the "backroom deals!" No more "special privileges" for only those who live in Nebraska! No more special funding only for those who live in Louisiana. THE BRIBES HAVE GOT TO STOP

You know, a different kind of "reconciliation" was the goal of the Democrats all along!

The Republican side was well prepared; and even the liberal news media noticed. CNN's Wolf Blitzer said, "It looks like the Republicans certainly showed up ready to play."

CNN's David Gergen stated, "The folks at the White House just must be kicking themselves right now. They thought that coming out of Baltimore when the President went in and was mesmerizing and commanding in front of the House Republicans that he could do that again here today. That would revive health care and would change the public opinion about their health care bill and they can go on to victory. Just the opposite has happened."

We must keep the pressure on Congress, because some Americans might not have caught the "great divide" and the "great difference" that was so obvious today at this summit. Please, CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to OPPOSE OBAMACARE. Your crucial DONATION to the Republican Majority Campaign will make the difference to ensure that the "reconciliation" procedure does not allow OBAMACARE to pass!

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi expressed, "Health care is entitlement reform." Wow. How wrong she is. As Democrats played to the cameras about extending healthcare coverage to millions, Republican Senators and Representatives talked common sense about the economic tsunami OBAMACARE will cause in America.

Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) said, "Health care inflation is driving us (the United States) off a cliff!"

Representative Peter Rookam (R-IL) eloquently stated, "Medicaid is a flawed foundation!" He also intimated that Democrats were at the summit not to bring Members of Congress together, but to see what it would take to pass their bill.

U. S. Senator Kent Conrad, a Democrat, admitted, "Medicare is going broke in eight years."

Officially, "on the clock," Democrats (including Mr. Obama) spoke TWICE as long as Republicans---how is that for reconciliation?!

The bottom line of the over six hours of dialogue was that there may be a little room for "coming together" but, per Mr. Obama, "Americans cannot wait any longer!" Deflecting the obvious "nuclear option" questions from Republicans, he said that Congressional leadership would decide how to progress!!

We must do all that we possibly can to STOP OBAMACARE RIGHT NOW! Barack Obama indicated that the "reconciliation" procedure was a very viable option. Please, help us to tell Members of Congress to STOP OBAMACARE.


This is your moment to show your true patriotism to America. Don't miss this opportunity to STOP OBAMACARE and preserve the principles of our great country. This is Socialism, and we cannot financially afford it! It must be stopped... TODAY! The Democrats' "nuclear option" could come at any moment.

The future of our great country is in your hands,

Gary G. Kreep
Executive Director
Republican Majority Campaign

P. S. Members of Congress must be told to STOP OBAMACARE. They especially must be told to not use the rarely-used, divisive, "reconciliation" procedure. We urgently need your financial help to put the final press on Congress!

Please, CLICK HERE to communicate with every Member of Congress through your FAX , telling them to STOP OBAMACARE! Your DONATION to the Republican Majority Campaign will be used this week to put the "heat" on Congress!

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