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RE: Counsel for Zachary Thompson


Have Russ follow up with you.  We had a slew released at IRO hearings the past month, so that's likely the case.  I will pass along your offer.  I have 5 down there right now, so I assume you'd like me to pass that along to all of them?

v/r Chris 

-----Original Message-----
From: Neal Puckett [mailto:neal@puckettfaraj.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 21:40
To: Thielemann MAJ Christopher J
Subject: Re: Counsel for Zachary Thompson

Hey, Chris.  Thanks for the reply.  Perhaps there just hasn't been an RLS to the LSSS yet.  His fiancee was certain that he had been in the brig and the Capt Shinn had gotten him out at his IRO hearing.  Can you check with him?  I sent him a separate email yesterday and received no reply.  May have been in court.  Just need to link up with him and sort out this case.  I've been hired to work a deal from here - SILT or SCM/Board waiver, whatever is required.  I'm sure he'll get to it when he can.  Have a safe trip to Hawaii.  I was there just last month for a change of command/retirement ceremony for a close friend. Love it.  Stayed a week.  Let me know if your client would like a free phone consultation with us.

Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
Washington DC | Virginia

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On Mar 2, 2010, at 7:19 AM, Thielemann MAJ Christopher J wrote:


Good to hear from you.  Things are great, and busier than I ever imagined.  I am constantly on the road to Hawaii and Iwakuni -- leaving again in the am for a 32 in Hawaii.  We have some significant cases going on and I just have no experienced counsel in the region.  One in particular is a new niche in child rape and sodomy.  Disturbing, but quite interesting.  It would take to long to write it in an email, so we'll have to catch up on the phone.  

Expanding again -- great news!  Wow!!  You have skyrocketed since you left active duty.

Laura is deployed and I think it will be a great opportunity for her.  She needed to expand her horizons and will be a better attorney for it.  The new SDC is Capt Russ Shinn (excellent litigator), but the OIC brought in a Major for 3 months.  He just returned from an IA and no one will take him.  He's been here for 5 years and been sent packing from almost every job he's had.  I think he started on the wrong foot as a FLEP by not passing the bar until the fifth time.  I am limiting what he can do, but believe he should get a clean slate and far chance to run the shop while he's here.  Much more to discuss there, but I'll save you the pain.

Neither the government nor the defense in Okinawa shows Thompson an any report.  The brig doesn't have him listed either.  I did not verify with the brig, but that's what the RDC chief reports.  Is he in Oki or Iwakuni.  Capt Shinn's email is scott.shinn@usmc.mil or you can reach my clerk, Cpl Martin, at james.a.martin5@usmc.mil.

I was great to hear from you.  Let me know when I can assist.

v/r Chris

-----Original Message-----
From: Neal Puckett [mailto:neal@puckettfaraj.com]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 23:36
To: Thielemann MAJ Christopher J
Subject: Counsel for Zachary Thompson

How are things?  I represent a young PFC in the brig there for UA.  Can you direct me to his detailed counsel?
Let me know how you're doing.  Would love to catch up.  The firm is expanding.  Adding two new lawyers.  One this week and another in May.  Bet you guys miss Capt Bruzzese.  Know she's TAD to Gitmo.  Who is the SDC now?  How are you liking Judge Jones?

Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
Washington DC | Virginia

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