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RE: PFC Zachary Thompson

  I scanned in the docs that I received at the IRO, but they're too big to send.  I'll have my clerks break it up in to three separate files and try again to send them your way.  Charges have not yet been preferred, but as soon as they do I'll get you a copy of the charge sheet and evidence.

  The IRO was predisposed to keeping him in the brig, due to the allegations - but the way the facts bore out and MSgt Carl Marsh saying that he was a great worker convinced the IRO to release him.  He is obviously back with his command.  MSgt Marsh's comm number is:  011-81-98-970-2751 or 011-81-98-970-4009.

  Not sure how much info you have on Thompson, but he got NJP'd back in November for using Spice.  Was sent to Point Loma and went UA from there.  Before the NJP, from all accounts, he was a good Marine.

Very Respectfully,
Captain S. Russell Shinn
Defense Counsel
DSN: 315.645.3075
Commercial from CONUS: 011-81-98-970-3075

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-----Original Message-----
From: Neal Puckett [mailto:neal@puckettfaraj.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 0:20
To: Shinn Capt Scott R
Subject: PFC Zachary Thompson

Capt Shinn,
I have been retained to represent PFC Thompson.  Earlier I sent an email to the RDC to find out who would be his detailed counsel.  His fiancee has indicated that she heard from him that you won his IRO hearing and he's out of the brig now.  Congratulations.  I know that although you did the IRO, you have discretion to detail someone else to handle his case.  I look forward to working with whomever that is.  Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated.  I don't think we've met, but I invite you to peruse my website as a way of "virtually" introducing myself.  You can also ask your boss, with whom I've worked in the past.
Semper fi,

Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
Washington DC | Virginia

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