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Obamacare Fraud This Week!

Human Events
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Dear Patriotic Defender of America,

This may well be the final opportunity to "STAND OUR GROUND" for the Constitution of the United States! There is a reason why Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are telling their liberal congressional colleagues that they must vote for this bill even if it means sacrificing their careers. They know that if they can take over healthcare, they can create a stranglehold on the American people and our economy that we may never be able to reverse. That is their gamble and they are willing to put it all on the line to, as Candidate Obama put it, "fundamentally transform the United States of America."

What we have fought against for an entire year now comes down to one vote.

My insiders tell me that THE vote on OBAMACARE will probably happen on Thursday. You read that correctly: THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK... ONLY a few hours away!!

YES! Within ONE WEEK of a supposed "UNITY SUMMIT" that President Obama chaired, they are moving ahead with the "reconciliation" parliamentary procedure to pass one of the most expansive pieces of legislation in our history. Just as I predicted, the Health Care Summit was a total fraud!

Despite a meeting between top Democrats and top Republicans, it was quite obvious that Mr. Obama was not interested in a bipartisan plan for healthcare reform. YES, I support health care reform. I am willing to work with Republicans and Democrats on a bill that uses free-market principles to enhance access to health care while lowering costs. But we MUST continue our fight against government intrusion into the most private area of our lives, higher costs, higher taxes, and an unsustainable deficit. Liberals are determined to bankrupt the country, and our children and grandchildren will be paying the awful consequences!

Please CLICK HERE to personally fax every Congressman to URGE THEM to vote NO on this modified OBAMACARE, especially with the undemocratic and unconstitutional "reconciliation" end-run by the administration to pass this outrageous bill. Your DONATION TO S.T.A.N.D. will assist us in taking action to DEFEAT OBAMACARE!


In a powerful poll, the Rasmussen Report found only 21% (1 in 5 Americans!) believes the Democrat-controlled U. S. government has the consent of the governed. Amazingly, this view is held by only 32% of Democrats!! I don't think it's been this bad since before the American Revolution. It is time for another revolution, albeit peaceful. We will fight this one not with bullets, but at the ballot box, on our telephones, fax machines and in rallies and town hall meetings all over this land. HELP ME LEAD THIS CHARGE. AS A BLACK AMERICAN I CAN SAY IT IS NOT RACIST TO OPPOSE THIS PRESIDENT! IT IS PATRIOTIC! IT'S NOT ABOUT HIS RACE! IT'S ABOUT HIS SOCIALIST POLICIES!

As patriotic, God-fearing Americans, we have already refused this massive realigning of not only our health system, but our entire economy. Now is the moment to discard OBAMACARE for the final time! Mr. Obama has betrayed the voters' trust in him by threatening to cram government-run and government-owned healthcare down our throats. This week looks like the "fight to the finish!" IT IS NOW OR NEVER! But, my friend, take heart---IF WE WORK TOGETHER - IF YOU WILL STAND WITH ME - WE WILL ELIMINATE OBAMACARE!

Crafted in secret, OBAMACARE will raise taxes, cut Medicare, kill jobs, expand the role of the federal government your personal life, increase the deficit, and much more. This is exactly what the American people say they do NOT want! Let's send a loud and clear message to every Congressman that this government takeover of health care is completely unacceptable! But we only have a few more hours to accomplish this. The American people are on our side, BUT TIME IS NOT. WE MUST ACT NOW!.

CLICK HERE to fax every Congressman to ELIMINATE OBAMACARE. Your DONATION TO S.T.A.N.D. will assist us in action-oriented steps to DEFEAT OBAMACARE!

Let's send this final message to Congress---ELIMINATE OBAMACARE!

There are 159 ways the Senate Bill is a GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER of Health Care. There are 159 new boards, bureaucracies and programs tucked away in the 2,733-page Senate health care bill, which serves as a framework of government intrusion and control over our private healthcare decisions. President Obama's health proposal is an abomination!

President Obama has said "healthcare is complex." He goes out of his way to make it that way to keep the American people from knowing what he is really up to.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf said this is response to the revised healthcare plan submitted by President Obama a week ago: "Preparing a cost estimate requires very detailed specifications of numerous provisions and the materials that were released... do not provide sufficient detail on all of the provisions." IN OTHER WORDS, NO ONE IS REALLY SURE EXACTLY HOW MUCH THE "NEW AND IMPROVED" OBAMACARE WILL COST! THE ESTIMATES HAVE RANGED ANYWHERE FROM 1 TO 6 TRILION DOLLARS. Yet, Congressional leaders want Congress to blindly pass this monstrously bad bill.

House Minority Leader John Boehner declared, "The president has crippled the credibility of this week's summit by proposing the same massive government takeover of health care based on a partisan bill the American people have already rejected! This new Democrats-only backroom deal doubles down on the same failed approach that will drive up premiums, destroy jobs, raise taxes, and slash Medicare benefits!"

Please CLICK HERE to FAX Members of Congress to VOTE DOWN OBAMACARE, especially with the non-"reconciliation" end-run PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE by the administration to pass this outrageous bill. Your DONATION TO S.T.A.N.D. will assist us in taking action to DEFEAT OBAMACARE!

Americans do not want Washington to dictate their healthcare decisions. That is precisely what OBAMACARE will do for you! If the Democrat-backed healthcare bill is signed into law by President Barack Obama, medical care costs in the United States will go through the roof, along with the deficit. The American people have spoken, but the Democrats and Mr. Obama are not listening at all! This may be the worst fraud ever perpetrated against the American people in our history. It is an abuse of power of the highest magnitude!

U.S. Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), the ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, tells it like it is: "We want to decentralize the system, give more power to small businesses, more power to individuals, and make insurers compete more. But if you federalize it and standardize it and mandate it, you do not achieve it. That's the big difference we (Republicans) have."

"What's more, the President's bill funds abortions and that means pro-life Democrats Art Stupak and nine or ten others are probably going to vote no against this bill. But you can never count them out."

That's why we must continue to put the pressure on Congress, even though we are "down to the wire" on time. That's why I've communicated with you today. There is still time. Only a few votes will make the difference between the defeat of OBAMACARE or disaster for the American people and our economy. WE HAVE TO PUT SO MUCH PRESSURE ON THOSE SWING VOTES THAT THEY DON'T DARE VOTE FOR OBAMACARE!

I recall what Mr. Obama pledged on the campaign trail on September 12, 2008, "I can make a firm pledge: Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase---not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." However, his latest healthcare revision announced last week calls for raising the Medicare payroll tax on households earning less than $250,000 and increasing taxes on interest, dividends, royalties and rents.

My fellow American---THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush recently spoke on this government takeover: "We're on a dangerous course in Washington for sure. If he (President Obama) believes that government ought to consume 40 percent of the economy, of the economic output, I don't know what you'd call that, but it's not American." I would call it socialist.

CLICK HERE to personally fax every Congressman to URGE THEM to vote NO on this modified OBAMACARE, especially with the undemocratic and unconstitutional "reconciliation" end-run by the administration to pass this outrageous bill. Your DONATION TO S.T.A.N.D. will assist us in action-oriented steps to DEFEAT OBAMACARE!

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, supported by most Americans according to recent polls, proposed, "What we think they ought to do is start over and go step-by-step and target possible areas of agreement talked about in the meeting (summit)."

But Barack Obama said during last week's summit that "starting over was not an option."

What was promoted as a "summit" to bring the parties together, was really a cute strategy for justifying even more extreme partisanship. At the end of the day Barack Obama gave the "green light" to use the "nuclear option" - the "reconciliation" procedure - to pass a bill with only 51 Senate votes.

And that will probably take place THIS THURSDAY!

Please, the time to act is RIGHT NOW!

Because I care about the future of America
and our families... ELIMINATE OBAMACARE,

E. W. Jackson

P. S. This is your moment to make a life-changing, nation-altering decision. STAND UP against OBAMACARE right now! Today! Before it is too late! It could happen as early as this Thursday. Thank you for your support!

CLICK HERE to FAX every Congressman to make sure they VOTE AGAINST OBAMACARE! Thursday will be here within hours so please fax and donate today. Your DONATION TO S.T.A.N.D. will help to DEFEAT OBAMACARE!

Department Code 3779
P.O. Box 15111
Chesapeake, Virginia 23328

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