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Neal A. Puckett
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Montalvo <montalvoesq@yahoo.com>
Date: March 8, 2010 1:53:16 PM EST
To: Neal Puckett <neal@puckettfaraj.com>
Subject: Fw: CWO4 MCGRIFF

You tracking on this??????????

-----Original Message-----
From: Perry, Benny SSgt OSD OMC Defense
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 9:04 AM
To: Colwell, Jeffrey Col OSD OMC Defense; Jackson, Brian MAJ OSD OMC
Defense; Kannady, Christopher Capt OSD OMC Defense; Harvey, Daniel MAJ OSD
OMC Defense; Rumsey, Mark SSgt OSD OMC Defense; Curry, Daniel SGT, OSD OMC


-----Original Message-----
From: Favors Col Rose M
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 9:03 AM
To: Perry, Benny SSgt OSD OMC Defense
Subject: CWO4 McGriff

Marines: Perhaps you have heard the stunning news already but in case you
haven't I'm Emailing you what I know.  CWO4 Derwin McGriff USMC died of a
fatal heart attack in his office this past Saturday.  He might have had a
history of heart issues.

He and several Marines were at the office in the Pentagon. He didn't look
well and was sweating a lot. Within a short time of arriving, SSgt Cerveny
checked on him and he was convulsing.  She called 911, who arrived within
several minutes.  EMTs tried to revive him, working on him for about an hour
in the common spaces at the JADIV.  Despite their best efforts, he passed

His next of kin, a sister, was notified late Saturday evening. JA is
awaiting instructions from the family.  JA anticipates a memorial service
later this week. 

He was a great Marine and a dear person. My prayer is not only to thank God
for Derwin's life but for comfort to those Marines who were with him on
Saturday.  They're taking it pretty hard.  Stunning news. I'll relay info as
I get it.

