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Re: X Status 1709L

Figured out how to get into the new webmail when I noticed I had no new mail on the 1&1 webmail. Though all the old mail was still there. Still have to figure out how it works as it appears to have many more bells and whistles.
Gonna try to call my girl.

Quoting Marcelyn Atwood <marcy@puckettfaraj.com>:

OK, tired. Working Frank's story.  Got more to do on that.  The
other's stories ought to be easier, maybe not.  Then we've got the
first section done.  Took a break at 1600 -- in fact, stopped then.
Worked on the keyboard, sketched out the first part of the piece I
want to arrange for the band.  May have to down load it on iTunes if I
can figure out how to do that.  Sitting on the couch now.  Beep so I
can hear you if you dial in on computer!!!! LUL, X