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Your Local Deal for
Northern Virginia
Take-Home Teeth-Whitening Kit
a wink & a smile
Sold by LivingSocial
The Details
A steaming cup of black coffee every morning might brighten up your morning, but it can seriously dull your teeth. Lighten up with today's deal from a wink & a smile: Pay $65 (regularly $200) for a take-home teeth-whitening kit.
The take-home kit includes trays that are loaded with flavored gel -- just pop 'em in your mouth while in the comfort of your own house. Though results vary, this process promotes whiter smiles by helping to remove coffee and tea stains, and more. And, did we mention that this one-stop shop, located in Lansdowne, offers both eye and dental care under one roof? Snatch up today's deal -- and get those pearly whites back to, well, pearly-looking.
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