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Your Local Deal for
Northern Virginia
Chiropractic Services
Advanced Chiropractic of Virginia
Sold by LivingSocial
The Details
As the year's end approaches, overtime at your job often translates to crunch time on your spine. Give your back a holiday with today's deal from Advanced Chiropractic of Virginia: Spend $49 (regularly $450) for a chiropractic package that includes a consultation, examination, and radiographs (if needed).
The Centreville Crest Lane practice specializes in treatments to help relieve neck and back pain, as well as in areas of allergies, weight loss, hormonal imbalances -- and much more. Dr. John Pinto is an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor, Diplomat of Clinical Nutrition, and a certified acupuncturist, so rest assured that you'll be in good hands. Relieve yourself from year-end stress -- and those holiday drives on I-495 -- and get to booking your appointment before this deal fades fast.
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