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Re: Conscious Evolution
Congrats to the Ducks.... the entire state is now green and gold... even the Beaver fans are admitting that it's pretty wonderful.
Good grief ... 35 Shirts? Now THERE is an aspect of legal life that I'd never thought of before... someday write about all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes that people never think about.. like 35 shirts...! Absolutely necessary, of course, once one thinks about it all, but who among us laypersons does think about it.
So you are on the way now.....I'll be searching news sources for reports and wishing you and Frank well. This is one remarkable story.. the story the represents the time period = that personifies the Iraq war and the thinking of the people, the politicians... there are so many aspects to this... it bounds to be historic from all points of view... wish I could read a history text book (or some books analyzing the period) about 20 years from now.
By the way.. now reading (as I can) Narcissistic Leaders and loving the new approach. How wonderful it is to be a part of all that is going in today.....How fortunate we are to be part of the change group no matter how minor the role.
As for the CD's and the spiral/evolution and all that - it is also a new philosophy and yes, I can see why .. right now.. is not the time to work on it... too much going on at the human level for you... yet, what you are doing now is a part of this major shift in the way we think, act, do. So go for it.
So briefly (if that is possible).. you are absolutely correct... this new philosophy does not fit with anything now accepted. To begin with way back when science became dominant it changed how the world worked... it is still the dominant way of thinking. AND... as science has now proven (starting with Einstein) there are 100's (if not more) flaws in all that we have based our existence on. If you delve .. even a little bit .. into Quantum physics it is proving exactly the new philosophy in these DVD's and to which I subscribe. It is time for the old constructs (education, politics, everything to fall away as we transition into a new way of thinking being. There is an escelleration of natural disasters, policital chaos and chaos in every area ... showing the truth of this.
So what is it.. well, it starts with Quantum physics.... everything (literally everything) is energy.... the tables, chairs, food, even we people are energy. If we are all energy then there is no difference and we are all the same exact thing. So why are we where we are today.. because back in medieval times they started being full of fear and erecting fences.... Now look at money/banking/economy.. it's all fear based today. What if it wasn't? Statistically there is enough of everything (including money) to go around. It's just that it is unevenly distributed. What if we no longer built fences and we all just KNEW that we were energy and saluted that in one another... and accepted our differences and love one another for it.. and worked to get along instead of fighting and fearing and trying to be top dog. I know it sounds far fetched until you examine this thing on a deep level... Why are there wars? Fear of not enough, wanting to control....etc.. Why not shift that around so that everyone has what they need.
I know it sounds far fetched.. but not really..... I will not live to see this come into being... but I'm darn sure doing my part by seeing the best in people and wanting them all to develop and grow and become all they can be.... If we all do that (to the best our gifts allow and in our way) what a change that will be in this world.
Sorry... there is so much more to all of this; I know this does not do it justice... but.... hey..... one step at at time.....and I do know that one of the many metaphysical laws is that everything rises to its highest level. Try googling "Metaphysics" for a start. but as you do so, remember that it's the professorial definition that you read. And by the way all this thinking started back with Plato...... not so new afer all.
Wishing you well, sending all the postiive thinking and energy possible.
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Puckett and Atwood
<puckwood@comcast.net> wrote:
Hi Mom, ironed about 35 shirts during the first 3 quarters and half time of the Rose Bowl. Tomorrow we start with the defense team gathering in a trailer about 5 miles from the court-room and working with Frank Wuterich starting at about 10AM. Neal's partner Haytham got hung up flying in today from Detroit. He's always just-in-time, unlike our preference of being ahead of schedule and set up ready to work. Neal and I are moved in (shirts are ironed), groceries bought, and almost on the time zone now with our sleep. We've walked/run each morning so far and watched the sunset tonight.
Michelle Malkin, a conservative pundit, has picked up and reprinted my last Blog on the Wuterich case. I think its' going to be big in the news for the month.
4:00 left in the Rose Bowl Game; Oregon is ahead.
Finished listening to the two CD's you sent, and have a mailer to send back to you from Camp Pendleton CA. I'm thinking. Will have to research more of it. Like the spiral but the whole concept is just beyond my intellect right now. Given evolution is inevitable, defining crisis or decision points where the choice is adapt or die, linkage of scientific and technological to the broader understanding that evolution and environment out weigh genetics; all pointing to the concept that solution sets don't fit within current organizational structures, including democracy ... But, they don't identify how the evolution works. This evolution, for the first time in the cosmos, is NOT working with physical, so it would seem to me it requires a declared vision. That of course, would negate the whole concept. That only leaves faith... 'roads are made by walking.'