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Your Local Deal for
Northern Virginia
8150 Leesburg Pike Suite 920 Vienna, VA 22182
Dental Exam, Cleaning, Polishing, and X-Rays
Farhoumand Dental
Sold by LivingSocial
The Details
If your grin is lacking that Hollywood-esque gleam, it might be time to do a double take in the mirror. With today's deal from Farhoumand Dental, spend $79 (regularly $229) for an exam, cleaning, polishing, X-rays, and an oral cancer screening.
Located in the heart of Tyson's Corner and staffed with multilingual dentists, Farhoumand Family Dental is a convenient and welcoming environment for all patients -- no matter the state of their smile. These experts take a proactive stance in caring for the health of your pearly whites, including screening the soft and hard tissues of your mouth to detect any abnormalities. With these savings, you'll be smiling like an A-lister -- so grab this deal before it fades with the credits.
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