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Your Local Deal for
Northern Virginia
Video Conversion and DVD Transfer
Sold by PhotoBin
The Details
Digital video recording is a wonderful thing: you can film as much as you like and store it all online. But what about the days before video went digital? What are you supposed to do with all those VHS cassettes under your couch? Visualize this: spend $79 and PhotoBin will convert up to 12 videotapes to DVD (a $179 value).
There's no time like the present to organize your home videos. PhotoBin's here to help: they'll forward you a pre-paid, pre-addressed shipping label that will allow you to send your cassettes - including VHS, Hi8, Video 8, and more - to their team of trained technicians. Your videos will be preserved on a DVD and later returned to you for safekeeping. Cassettes only have a shelf life of about ten years. But with today's deal, they'll last forever!
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