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Fw: "OpEd" on Marine Urination Video
- To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
- Subject: Fw: "OpEd" on Marine Urination Video
- From: "Don Greenlaw" <dgreenlaw@cox.net>
- Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:15:51 -0800
- Authentication-results: cox.net; none
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Hollenbeck
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 4:54 AM
Subject: "OpEd" on Marine Urination Video
18 January 2012
The bad judgment exercised by a handful of Marines should be treated like an
ND: a Negligent Discharge. In the US military, if you “accidentally” pull
the trigger and launch an unplanned bullet downrange, you should not even
bother trying to explain away the “accident.” If that bullet kills someone,
it’s called Negligent Homicide. The bullet did not fire accidentally; it
was fired negligently. Bottom line.
This should be treated like a negligent discharge of the penis, and of the
video camera, and then of common sense. What a dumb thing to do. And
super dumb to video tape it. And ultra-dumb to then let the video make it
to the Internet.
Those few Marines should be busted, but they don’t deserve prison. They
made a big-league mess up, but they did not commit murder. They were young
men in combat who committed stupid. But how many of us who have reached the
age of 30 cannot look back and find at least a dozen instances of major
league stupidity that we committed? Most of us are lucky that our dumbness
did not make it to the Internet.
And that commander… Sheesh. He should be busted for all the distraction
this has brought.
Punish them, but do not tar them. Do not send them to prison.
+3# Killing them is OK, but peeing will get you in trouble? — Paul
2012-01-17 23:00
It's a little screwy - you can pump them full of lead & they are dead, and a
bloody mess, but peeing on them is desecration?
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+1# RE: Killing them is OK, but peeing will get you in trouble? — The Proud
Infidel 2012-01-18 01:04
Quoting Paul:
It's a little screwy - you can pump them full of lead & they are dead, and
a bloody mess, but peeing on them is desecration?
It's not like they used hollow points with bacon bits in the tips!
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+3# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Darius 2012-01-17 23:01
couldn't agree with you more
I don't see how the Afghans are disgusted by this when their behaviour has
been shown to be equally bad, if not worse.
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+2# RE: RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — IronV 2012-01-18 00:44
It's not a rational argument. The Afghans tolerate inhuman atrocities
committed by their own but are aggregiously offended by infractions
committed by Americans. That's just the way it is...
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0# RE: RE: RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Eli32 2012-01-18
Agreed.... But plenty of precedent for this, and plenty of reason to say we
should be better. Example: When abolitionists visited Africa in the 1850s to
drum up support for a petition outlawng all slavery, they found that the
locals 'agreed' that it was inhumane to be subject to slavery --- but they
had no problem enslaving members of another tribe. Their morals were not the
same as the Westerners --- they just didn't want their own tribesman to be
subject to slavery, but had no moral revulsion to the concept. NONETHELESS,
the Western revulsion to slavery and efforts to end it are something that we
SHOULD be proud of. Similarly, agreed that many of the more primitive
Afghans have no true MORAL outrage with atrocities --- they just don't want
to be on the recieving end. Nonetheless, Western morals would say that this
treatment of the dead is repulsive.
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0# RE: RE: RE: RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Eli32 2012-01-18
By the way, the idea of not mistreating a corpse is in the Old Testament
(Deuteronomy), where judges are commanded to not allow an executed man to
remain hanging through the night. The Western concpt of human dignity (which
started in teh Bible) allows that sometimes taking of a life is in fact
necessary, but that even in death the person deserves dignity.....
Having said all that, war is dehumanizing. It appears that the soldiers
involved don't meet the highest standards of according dignity to the dead,
but who knows how seeing all that carnage would have affected any of us???
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+7# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Kurt Olney 2012-01-17 23:16
The enemy cuts off the heads of infidels in front of cameras and desecrates
and burns and hangs bodies of the infidel. And they celebrate. The enemy
does not wear wear uniforms.
The big question is why is the behavior of the Marines going to piss our
enemy off any more than our enemy is already pissed off at us? And our
Islamist enemies believe all infidels should die?
We won WWII by bombing the hell out of Germans and the Japanese.
Our enemy is laughing at us about our rules of engagement.
And where is C.A.I.R. when Islamist behead and mutilate etc. etc. etc. No
objections from them!!
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+1# Don't over think — Kelly 2012-01-17 23:19
Put a letter in their records and then split them up through out the Corps.
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+5# CPL/USMC — The Proud Infidel 2012-01-17 23:35
When a Marine tells you he is going to piss on your grave, you'd better
believe he means it!
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+2# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Valerie 2012-01-17 23:39
The person with the camera should have been separated from it, and the
incident forgotten. It may have been bad manners, but this is a war......
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+5# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — dsp 2012-01-17 23:41
What these Marines needed (and lacked) was a squad-leader or Platoon
Sergeant that knows the meaning of "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
This is a training failure; nothing more.
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+4# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — pacific_waters 2012-01-17
"Those few Marines should be busted," Oh contraire. They should receive
promotions. We need to stop pussyfooting around and fight a war like a war
needs to be fought, all out. Why should we show respect for an enemy that
shows none? And please, don't fall back on the garbage excuse that we don't
to become our enemy. Pissing on a corpse is not in the same league as the
violations the taliban inflict. War is hell and he sooner we admit and stop
trying to make it less so the sooner we will be able to prosecute a war when
it's necessary and actually WIN the damn thing.
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0# RE: RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — IronV 2012-01-18 00:46
I understand the emotion and the sentiment. But with all respect, you're
dead wrong on every count. If we become them, we lose. Big time. And in far
more ways than one...
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+4# (former SGT) — Rob Hise-Denk 2012-01-17 23:50
The fact that this happened is a problem with their command. I think that
the best solution is one I've seen used in a variety of ways...if you screw
something up, you become responsible for educating your buddies and making
sure it doesn't happen again. If you get a DUI, you should get a metric
crapton of extra CQ duty and part of that duty should be shuttling drunk
people home.
If you piss on your enemy, you should be required to do something that
develops your sense of being a civilized warrior rather than being a savage.
Any which way, I agree that these are just stupid-ass kids and prison isn't
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+1# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — xoxoxoBruce 2012-01-17 23:51
The whole culture of the military, of the war, is you're not fighting
people. you are fighting enemy combatants, Huns, Nazis, japs, Gooks, Slopes,
etc, but never people. And they don't suddenly become people when they're
dead. It's hard to remember that, sitting in your easy chair seeing this on
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0# Think about this — Mr. Richard 2012-01-18 00:12
Sorry Gents,
The "after-combat" actions viewed were nothing more than young soilders
being "relieved" that they were not dead like their enemy who had tried to
kill them over the length of said battle. WHAT!!??? War is not a most
vile/needed act? Then you soft-skinned hallow civilians should look away and
not bother yourself with comment on deeds that YOU pay your military to do.
THEY are the ones that must step up to the task at hand, not you. So what
they do is not for your comment OR JUDGEMENT!
THEY are this country's sheepdogs. THEY are the "rough men with guns on the
wall" so we might sleep in comfort in our beds at night. How dare we even
comment. How dare we even attempt to defile. This is WAR! Now STEP BACK!!!
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+5# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Warren 2012-01-18 00:15
As a former Marine I am disgusted by these actions. If reflects negatively
on the Corps and the US. I agree with Mr. Yon in that these men (I hate to
even call them Marines) should be driven out of the service or at the very
least busted down in rank.
Comments in this thread and others talk about what the Taliban or Iraqis do
to our people. If our fighting men and women are considered equals then yes
that they have done is not so bad. I happen to hold them and our military in
higher regard. Shame on you that do not expect more from our troops.
Our troops are held to a higher standard and they should be.
Semper Fi
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0# RE: RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — IronV 2012-01-18 00:47
Dead spot on. Salute!!!!!!!!! !!!
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0# Bad timing, that — Richardg 2012-01-18 00:30
I agree with both Mr. Richard and Warren.
My only additional comment is that their timing was off. Should have first
pissed on them, then beat them with a shoe, and THEN ...
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+3# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — dsp 2012-01-18 00:57
I'm a former Marine. I've never been shot at.
I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to folks that have bullets
whizzing over their heads on a regular basis. I suspect there's something
unique about being in fear for your life.
Honestly, I've see worse from college kids.
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+1# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Mary 2012-01-18 01:37
Under Sharia law, which enforces Islamic principles, non-Muslims who do not
show respect for Muslims have committed crimes and the whole non-Muslim
community can be "punished." Our military needs to enforce its own
reasonable U.S. military discipline and NOT be bullied into enforcing Sharia
law on the troops. The Commander-in-Chief of our military (Obama) needs to
STOP enforcing Sharia law and start living up to his oath of office wherein
he swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
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+1# LOC and move on — John-Capt in ANG 2012-01-18 02:17
Seems it is an opportunity to rap their leadership on the knuckles, give the
junior enlisted a LOC (Letter of Counseling) and move on. No one condones
it, but also, it is Marines being Marines. When you see death everyday, I've
noticed their "sense of humor" changes. I'm sure it's the same in LAPD's
murder section or the LA Morgue. They just went a little too far and were
dumb enough to YouTube the video.
This is why when people say, "I'd love to be in high school nowadays," I
respond, "You've crazy." Half of what we did is now treated nearly like a
felony and with the Internet, it would haunt you the rest of your life.
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0# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Barry Sheridan 2012-01-18
This is just another example of the western media's double standards. A case
of poor judgement by a handful is laid bare and universally condemned. Yet
rarely do we hear about the routine persecution of Christians, or the
constant use of the pejorative,'infidels' to anyone who is not a Moslem in
anyway other than just an incidental manner. As for exposing the everyday
murders committed by Islamic extemists for their perverted reasons, well we
would not want our media friends to do that would we, that's a nothing
compared to urinating on the dead, the ultimate in criminality!!!! How I
loathe the upside down world of modern journalists.
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0# RE: Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts — Jesse 2012-01-18 05:05
Their only crime was they got caught. This calls for an article 15 nothing
more. You'll notice that the "outrage" has faded from the front page.
The Taliban were laughing their asses off at the stupid Americans wasting so
much energy over this when they were planning where to put the next IED to
blow the legs, arms and genitals off the next Chazry Clark. If I was their
Gunny I'd knock them up side the head in front of the CO and buy'm a beer at
the club after hours.
Don't mean nuthin' as we used to say in the Nam.
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0# Punishment — Nils 2012-01-18 05:29
Since they seem to enjoy playing with excrements, they should be sent to
clean latrines for a month or two, and that would be that. No need to turn
this into an international drama.
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0# Taliban Have No Rights — Tom McKeon 2012-01-18 07:15
Firstly, they should have had better sense than to record it. But let us not
forget the Taliban have NO rights under the Geneva Accords. They are a non
flag entity that is to be killer.
In Vietnam we use to leave the bodies on the wire for a day as a warning to
their friends of what is waiting for them. They too were not in uniform and
our government refused to admit we were fighting North Vietnamese after TET
of 68. In Afghanistan we are fighting a war against Moslem fanatics not a
flag nation, they have no rights.
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