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SHRM HR Issues Update - January 27, 2012

Title: Governmental Affairs
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January 27, 2012

State of the Union

 President’s State of the Union Address Highlights Priorities for 2012
On Tuesday evening, Jan. 24, President Obama addressed Congress to lay out his priorities going into a contentious election year. Some of the issues he raised were taken right out of the HR policy playbook.  [ More ]

SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference

 “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure”
Remember when your parents used to toss this maxim out at the most opportune time?  It couldn’t be more on point than when relating to HR public policy. Fortunately, there’s a place where you can become an expert on these HR public policy proposals and other compliance and regulatory issues – any of which could affect how you perform your job. It’s a place where you can learn from and network with the nation’s top minds on workplace law issues, as well as with other concerned HR professionals like yourself.  [ More ]

Workplace Flexibility

 SHRM–FWI Partnership: One Year Later
Next week marks the first anniversary of SHRM’s partnership with the Families and Work Institute (FWI) on workplace flexibility.  [ More ]

 When Work Works Update
The 2012 When Work Works outreach efforts started in earnest last week in Minnesota and Round Rock, Texas, where the Williamson County Human Resource Management Association (WCHRMA) became the first SHRM affiliate to sign on as a When Work Works community partner in 2012.  The WCHRMA chapter joins the Michigan Council of SHRM and Richmond SHRM as community liaisons to the program, responsible for educating and building support amongst local employers around workplace flexibility, promoting the Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility, and recognizing Sloan Award recipients.  [ More ]

Member Advocacy

 With Two Years under Its Belt, the SHRM A-Team is Ready for Prime Time
No professional team has ever won the championship in its first year in existence.  Instead, management starts building its team slowly, finding the right people for the right position while honing their skills and giving them the tools they will need to succeed.  Then comes the time when the organization decides it’s time to see how the team performs under game conditions.  So too with SHRM's Advocacy Team (A-Team), which enters Year 3 of the five-year program to enhance the visibility and credibility of the HR profession among public policymakers.  [ More ]

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