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Fw: FW: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman


Semper fi,
Don Greenlaw
----- Original Message ----- From: "Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret)" <waymor@bizec.rr.com>
To: "'Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret)'" <waymor@bizec.rr.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 8:38 PM
Subject: FW: FW: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman


Thx to those who are sending the basic article. As you'll see below, we're
aware of it and have been working it.

Too much here to try to explain, but recom you read from the bottom up. As you'll see from my exchange with Al West, this REALLY IS HAPPENING...it MAY
be electioneering BS, but it is NOT electioneering hype...!  Pasting the
below answer to my question to Al, below, wherein he says:

"Folks can call the Florida legislature to voice their opinions but these
backstabbers have done their duty well....and the Dems are truly thankful.

Nothing like getting an arrow in the back!

Semper Fi


As we've seen, the Dems are really out to get Al because I personally
believe they fear him more than ANY OTHER Republican!  I can't explain all
that may be behind this...simply don't know.  I DO KNOW that it WILL HAVE

The info number for the Florida State Legislature is:  (850) 488-4371
Toll Free for FL Residents:  1-800-342-1827

May be better numbers but best I can find right now and want to get this
moving.  Ask the operator to connect you with whomever....

You can also contact them via Email, but as they warn on their site, the
capture your Email adee info and it becomes public record...your choice tho:

IF the ROMNEY link to this is legit, and for WHATEVER REASON "they" may have
in doing it, it is having adverse effect on one of the few real hopes we
have to get OUR NATION brought back on course.  So for you ROMNEY
supporters, ya might wanna light up those you know on ROMNEY's staff and
hit'm with the time honored interrogative...WHISKEY TANGO

Plz give widest dissemination and especially to folks you know in FL...!

Semper Fi,


Wayne V. Morris
Col USMC (Ret)


When You Want To Know Way More About Military Veteran Related Issues...Come
On Board With WAYMOR Inc


From: Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret) [mailto:waymor@bizec.rr.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 4:31 PM
To: 'Allen West'
Subject: RE: FW: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort
led by Romney Florida spokesman
Importance: High

IS there ANYTHING "WE" can be doing at this time or is it so far along that
no amount of interaction will be beneficial?



Wayne V. Morris
Col USMC (Ret)


When You Want To Know Way More About Military Veteran Related Issues...Come
On Board With WAYMOR Inc


From: Allen West
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 4:15 PM
To: Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret)
Subject: Re: FW: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort
led by Romney Florida spokesman

Roger Sir, this is indeed happening and they are voting on this in the
Florida legislature this week. It takes the district I represent from a D+1
to a D+5 district meaning that Democrats are given a 5% advantage in

I will fight to the end!

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret)
<waymor@bizec.rr.com> wrote:


What's the deal on this...folks are flooding us with it/stuff like it/etc.?


Wayne V. Morris
Col USMC (Ret)


When You Want To Know Way More About Military Veteran Related Issues...Come
On Board With WAYMOR Inc


From: Dave Hollenbeck [mailto:chp7747@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 1:42 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by
Romney Florida spokesman


The establishment is fighting back, alright.

This has not received a lot of national attention, but the Republican
legislature in Florida is about to push through a plan which puts Allen West
at serious risk, and the person leading the effort is one of Mitt Romney's
spokemen.  As reported by The Shark
<http://shark-tank.net/2012/01/27/24717/> Tank:

After last night's [Jan. 26] Republican Presidential debate, the candidates'
respective spinmeisters made their cases to the media as to why their guy
won the debate.  One of Governor Mitt Romney's spokesmen was Florida
Representative Will Weatherford, and during the course of his remarks in the
"Spin Room", he shed a very dim light on the ongoing redistricting process
in the Florida Legislature..

West's congressional district inexplicably sheds the most out support as
compared to all other incumbent Republican and Democrat Congressman. A few
weeks back we quoted an unnamed legislator saying that, "Allen West was
screwed", a statement which was originally made about made five months
before the purposed maps were made public, leading insiders to believe that
the fix was in against Allen West.  But in light of Weatherford's comment,
it is increasingly clear that this is a fait accompli.

According to Weatherford, those preliminary maps will not change- at the
most, any additional changes would be minimal, and those changes would not
make any appreciable difference from the preliminary maps.  In addition,
Weatherford stated that a deal was struck between him, Senate President Mike
Haridopolos, and Senator Don Gaetz to finalize these maps and push them
through as soon as possible.

Weatherford tried to hide behind a need to comply with federal law, but
that's obviously a dodge since there could have been many ways to comply yet
not sacrifice West:

A website, SaveAllenWest <http://www.saveallenwest.com/> , had been set up,
but it appears to be too late.

One of the rising stars of the Tea Party is about to be sacrificed by the
Republican establishment in Florida, led by someone spinning for Mitt

Don't say you weren't warned.