Index of /Media/TV_Shows/The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!/

Specials/                                          24-Feb-2025 18:52                   -
01 - The Bird! The Bird! & Neatness Counts.mp4     24-Feb-2025 16:49           132840311
02 - King Mario of Cramalot & Day of the Orphan..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           131423228
03 - Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid & All Steamed ..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133668586
04 - Mario's Magic Carpet & Marianne and Luigee..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133575225
05 - Rolling Down the River & The Mario Monster..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132664830
06 - The Great Gladiator Gig & Bonkers From Yon..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133751545
07 - Mario and the Beanstalk & Bats in the Base..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133154506
08 - Love 'Em and Leave 'Em & Will the Real Elv..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133109984
09 - The Great BMX Race & Mama Mia Mario.mp4       24-Feb-2025 16:49           133008331
10 - Stars in Their Eyes & Alligator Dundee.mp4    24-Feb-2025 16:49           133304041
11 - Jungle Fever & Dance.mp4                      24-Feb-2025 16:49           133611410
12 - Brooklyn Bound & Cher's Poochie.mp4           24-Feb-2025 16:49           133085411
13 - Toad Warriors & E.C. The Extra Creepy.mp4     24-Feb-2025 16:49           133422981
14 - The Fire of Hercufleas & The Marios Fight ..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133290933
15 - Count Koopula & Magician.mp4                  24-Feb-2025 16:49           133381307
16 - Pirates of Koopa & Do You Believe in Magic..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133663221
17 - Two Plumbers and a Baby & Lost Dog.mp4        24-Feb-2025 16:49           133514298
18 - The Adventures of Sherlock Mario & Plumber..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133211158
19 - Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132591322
20 - The Pied Koopa & Super Plant.mp4              24-Feb-2025 16:49           132756464
21 - Koopenstein.mp4                               24-Feb-2025 16:49            85758559
22 - On Her Majesty's Sewer Service.mp4            24-Feb-2025 16:49            85833879
23 - Mario and Joliet & Fake Bro.mp4               24-Feb-2025 16:49           132789204
24 - Too Hot to Handle & Time Out Luigi.mp4        24-Feb-2025 16:49           133045050
25 - Hooded Robin and His Mario Men & Flower Po..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133405089
26 - 20,000 Koopas Under the Sea & Vampire Unti..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132620403
27 - Mighty McMario and the Pot of Gold & Heart..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132693513
28 - Mario Meets Koop-zilla & Fortune Teller.mp4   24-Feb-2025 16:49           132654952
29 - Koopa Klaus & Little Marios.mp4               24-Feb-2025 16:49           132884018
30 - Mario and the Red Baron Koopa & Gorilla My..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132694746
31 - The Unzappables.mp4                           24-Feb-2025 16:49            86241429
32 - Bad Rap & Caught in a Draft.mp4               24-Feb-2025 16:49           133467725
33 - The Mark of Zero & Toupee.mp4                 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132918219
34 - The Ten Koopmandments & The Artist.mp4        24-Feb-2025 16:49           132800064
35 - The Koopas Are Coming! The Koopas Are Comi..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132254420
36 - The Trojan Koopa.mp4                          24-Feb-2025 16:49            86093508
37 - Quest For Pizza & The Painting.mp4            24-Feb-2025 16:49           133032542
38 - Elvin Lives & Home Radio.mp4                  24-Feb-2025 16:49           133073585
38 - The Great Gold Coin Rush & Game Show Host.mp4 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132978400
41 - Karate Koopa & Adee Don't.mp4                 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132967389
42 - Mario of the Apes & Chippie Chipmunks.mp4     24-Feb-2025 16:49           132925413
43 - Princess, I Shrunk the Mario Brothers & A ..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132505160
44 - Little Red Riding Princess & No Way to Tre..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           133182337
45 - The Provolone Ranger & Goodbye Mr. Fish.mp4   24-Feb-2025 16:49           132925984
46 - Escape From Koopatraz & French.mp4            24-Feb-2025 16:49           132977171
47 - Mario of the Deep & Two Bums From Brooklyn..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132733438
48 - Flatbush Koopa & Opera.mp4                    24-Feb-2025 16:49           133062237
49 - Raiders of the Lost Mushroom & Cyrano de M..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132835372
50 - Crocodile Mario & Rowdy Roddy's Rotten Pip..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132348355
51 - Star Koopa & Santa Claus is Coming to Flat..> 24-Feb-2025 16:49           132876100
52 - Robo Koopa & Captain Lou is Missing.mp4       24-Feb-2025 16:49           132854266