Dear Haytham,
We would like to thank you for enrolling in the FedEx shipping program.
In addition to your savings on FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® shipping services you can also save up to 70%* on your LTL (less-than-truckload) freight shipments (150 lbs. or more).
FedEx Freight®:
FedEx National LTL
To enroll visit: or call 1-800-MEMBERS (8 a.m.– 6 p.m. EST)
For a quote email:
Once you have enrolled, your discounts will automatically be applied to your FedEx account number. Within 7 to 10 business days of your enrollment, you will receive a welcome kit from FedEx which contains detailed information about freight shipping.
*FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL discounts are off standard list rates and cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts. Discounts are exclusive of any FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL surcharges, premiums or special handling fees. FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL reserve the right to terminate, modify or suspend the program at any time individually and each in their sole discretion, with or without notice. Applies to the FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL 100 Series Rules Tariffs
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