May 2009
Some recent highlights from IWJ's campaigns and projects.
Calling All Faith Leaders:
Join IWJ in Condemning Arizona's Draconian Immigration Law
IWJ calls on faith leaders across the nation to join us in condemning Arizona's draconian new immigration law and calling for a real, lasting solution to the our broken immigration system. If you are a faith leader, please sign on to the statement by going here and please forward this message to other faith leaders. If you are a member of a faith body, please forward this to your pastor, rabbi, imam, and other religious leaders you know. See our Board of Directors' Statement of Principles on Immigration and For You Were Once a Stranger: Immigration in the U.S. Through the Lens of Faith (PDF). For a chilling look at how the new law is playing out on the ground, read this blog post by organizer Kristin Kumpf about her recent conversation with the folks at IWJ's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Interfaith Alliance for Worker Justice.
IWJ Takes Part in Historic Summit on Latino Workers
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Leaders from IWJ's national network of worker centers in Houston participating in the OSHA summit
IWJ offered its support for improving health and safety for Latino workers last month, along with more than 50 worker centers, coalitions on occupational safety and health, and grassroots community organizations, at the U.S. Department of Labor's historic National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health and Safety in Houston. IWJ's worker center network pledged to reach out to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigators to build new community partnerships, train workers on their rights to safe working conditions, and engage the religious community in challenging unethical employers who steal wages and injure and kill workers.
Save the Date: Attend IWJ's 15th Anniversary Conference in 2011!
2011 will mark IWJ's 15th year of fighting for workers' rights. Come celebrate the organization's past and help plan its future in Chicago June 19th-21st! More detailed information, including how to register, will be announced soon. Stay tuned…
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Interfaith Worker Justice - 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. ph (773) 728-8400