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ABA Criminal Justice Section June 4, NYC CLE on Forensic Evidence. Register - Mark Your Calendar - Plan to attend

The ABA Criminal Justice Section and its cosponsors invite you to join a major conference on June 4th in NYC to discuss forensic evidence that will bring together academics, prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges, scientists and others to examine the myriad issues surrounding forensics. The program will cover Cutting Edge Issues in Investigative Technologies, National Academy of Sciences Study, DNA Applications, and Forensic Accounting.

Location: Louis Stein Center for Law and Ethics Fordham University School of Law McNally Amphitheatre 140 W. 62nd Street, NYC

In 2006, none other than Justice Scalia stated that “serious deficiencies have been found in the forensic evidence used in criminal trials” and [f]orensic evidence is not uniquely immune from manipulation.” In 2009, the National Academy of Science released a report that was strongly critical of the present state of forensics and calling for reforms that produce greater independence of crime labs, standards, accreditation and certification, standard terminology, proficiency testing and other recommendations. The deficiencies call into question time honored practices such as hair analysis, ballistics, bite mark IDs, etc. In 2010 the White House established a Forensic Sciences Review Task Force. On June 4th 2010, the ABA Criminal Justice Section sponsors a major forensics conference.

Click for Conference Brochure: http://new.abanet.org/sections/criminaljustice/PublicDocuments/forensicsbrochure.pdf

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