American Arab Chamber of Commerce E-News |
Small Business Detroit Microloan Program and American Arab Chamber of Commerce Create Partnership
![Signing of the contract]() |
With the goal of helping small businesses in Detroit, the Small Business Detroit MicroLoan Program and the American Arab Chamber of Commerce have come together to help entrepreneurs become aware of alternative lending sources, especially in the fiscal challenges that face them today. Fay Beydoun, Executive Director for the American Arab Chamber of Commerce announces that such a partnership is "going to aid and foster the entrepreneurs in the Detroit area. It will allow potential services to develop and sustain a successful expansion of small businesses." Especially with the current economic challenges, the program offered by the Small Business Detroit MicroLoan Program hopes to accommodate and comply to the fiscal needs of the Arabic community by providing financial assistance to those unable to receive funding from traditional lending sources. "The residents of the City of Detroit are excited about the Small Business Detroit MicroLoan Program because it makes additional funds available to expand existing business and to start new ones," states Vanessa Rucker, Director for the Small Business Detroit MicroLoan Program. "This is important in these economic times to be able to create new opportunities and growth for the community." The signed partnership agrees for the Small Business Detroit MicroLoan Program to provide loan orientations for small businesses within the Detroit area at the American Arab Chamber of Commerce offices, which will be heldevery second Wednesday at 5PM at 12740 W. Warren, Suite 300, Dearborn, MI 48126. For more information, or to attend the April 14th seminar, please contact The American Arab Chamber of Commerce offices at 313-945-1700 or email contactus@americanarab.com EDITOR'S NOTE: The Small Business Detroit Microloan Program is funded through the Casino Business Development Fund created by the City of Detroit under the temporary casino agreements. The City of Detroit ONCR oversees the program. The City selected CEED as the designated service provider to administer the microloan fund on behalf of the City. CEED has over 24 years experience supporting women- and minority-owned businesses with programming, business training and microloans. Loan amounts range from $5,000 to $35,000 and funds can be used to purchase equipment, inventory, supplies and as working capital. Orientations are mandatory for small business owners with less than 3 years experience in their businesses, seeking to apply for microloans for their ventures. |
5th Annual Celebrating Sucess Banquet
May 19, 2010
Deadlines for American Arab Professional of the Year nominations are: April 16, 2010
The American Arab Professionals Network recognizes American-Arab professionals that serve as mentors and role models for other American-Arabs in the region. On May 19th, Five Professional individuals will be recognized as the American Arab Professional of the Year in the fields of Education, Finance, Legal, Medicine and Entrepreneurship, at the 5th Annual Celebrating Success Banquet.
![4th Annual Celebrating Success]()
These awards seek to recognize American-Arab Professionals who have made significant contributions to Southeastern Michigan through exemplary leadership and service to the American-Arab community.
We invite you to attend and nominate an Arab American Professional that has served and qualifies to be the American-Arab Professional of the Year in their respective industry.
Nomination and sponsorship forms can be found on the American Arab Chamber of Commerce website www.americanarab.com or by calling Hebah Alwerfalli at the American Arab Chamber of Commerce at 313-945-1700 or via email at hebaha@americanarab.com |
Save the Date: Smoking Ban Meeting
Tuesday March 30, 2010
at 5:30 PM
Michigan Smoking Ban What are your options? Join Us Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 5:30pm Ritz Carlton, Dearborn
RSVP to contactus@americanarab.com or call the Chamber offices at (313) 945-1700.
The American Arab Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a meeting to inform business owners of the guidelines regarding the new smoking ban that will take effect May 1. In attendance will be representatives from the Department of Community Health, Department of Agriculture, County Health Department, and local city municipality's representatives, as well as state officials, in order to answer your questions regarding the smoking ban and how it will affect your business. The American Arab Chamber of Commerce is concerned with how the upcoming smoking ban will impact the small business community, especially in today's tough economic conditions. In light of this, the Chamber seeks to provide you with the best available information so that you can make the informed decisions necessary to ensure the success and profitability of your business. Additionally, the link below will take you to the Department of Community Health's website where you will find posted information regarding the smoking ban: http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-132-2940_2955_2973_55026---,00.html |
TODAY: 6th Annual Celebration Forum & Link Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:00 PM Byblos
CALL 313-945-5465
The Forum & Link (Al-Muntada) is a cultural, social and political newspaper covering the news and views of the Arab-American community. We bring together the power of the Internet and print media in a bilingual bi-monthly publication. We set new standards for community journalism based on integrity, objectivity and balance. We dedicate resources to cover the untold stories of great success and immense contribution by the Arab American community. We seek to find the community link and cover the story through local voices, addressing both an Arab American audience and mainstream America. We aspire to have this medium be the primary choice for all Arab Americans. Any contribution you can make to the publication, to ensure its success and maintain its commitment to provide objective and appealing media coverage to the greater community, would be greatly appreciated. Your participation as a sponsor will offer you a multitude of opportunities to showcase your business and/or organization to a diverse population in the Metro Detroit area and Canada as well as becoming a part of our publicity campaign for this event.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call us
at 313-945-5465 (LINK) or email assad2005@gmail.com. You can also visit our website at: www.forumandlink.com to learn more about the publication. |
Mother's Day 2010 with acclaimed Syrian Actor Jamal Suliman, Arabic Vocalist Emad Batayeh, and Comedian Mo Amer, will take place on Sunday May 9, 2010, 5:00pm at the Farmington Hills Manor, 23666 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
For information and tickets go to: www.arabdetroit.com/ad_mothersday.php or call 313-570-2206 |
JUNE 18, 19 AND 20, 2010
SAVE THE DATE: On, June 18, 19 and 20, the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, ACCESS, Lebanese American Heritage Club and the City of Dearborn will transform Warren Avenue in the heart of East Dearborn into the largest Arab international Festival in the nation.
![festival recap 2]()
The Dearborn Arab International Festival is a family-centered cultural celebration that attracts people of all ages from Michigan, the Midwest, and Canada. This celebration of cultures will feature ethnic performances representing the diverse heritage of the people of Southeast Michigan. It boasts a great number of amusements, live musical acts-both local and international, 30 international food booths, coffee cup readings, henna, arts and crafts, a children's tent, artisans, Arab merchandise, and a giant old-fashioned Ferris wheel that overlooks East Dearborn.
More than 350,000 people participate in the festival each year, a true representation of the many cultures that reside in Metro Detroit. To learn more about sponsorship and vendor information, please contact the Chamber offices at 313-945-1700 | |