Thank you anyway. If he has a simple statement he wants to release to me today instead of answering my questions, I would be happy to include it in the story. See you next week, Gretel From: Haytham Faraj []
Gretel, Unfortunately SSgt Wuterich is not going to be able to respond. He’s taking some time off and we’re going to immediately start preparing with him after the New Year. I am attaching a motion and a the Article
32 Investigating Officer report. From: []
Thank you Mr. Faraj for speaking to me today regarding the upcoming court martial for Staff Sgt. Wuterich. Could you please forward a couple of the most salient motions laying out the narrative of what happened that day from Wuterich’s
perspective? I will be writing this story tomorrow, Friday, so I am hoping you can send them to me in the morning.
Here are my questions for Staff Sgt. Wuterich. Thank you for agreeing to forward them to him. 1.
What do you want the public to know about you and this case? 2.
How do you feel about the fact that your court martial is about to begin? 3.
How do you feel today about what happened in Iraq, about why it happened and the people who died and your role in it? 4.
Do you think about Iraq a lot, or on the other hand do you try to put it out of mind? 5.
Has your perspective about the actions that day or your ensuing legal battle changed over the years? When you were first charged did it come as a surprise? 6.
I understand you are a single parent raising three daughters. Do they ask you about what happened in Haditha? What do you tell them? (How old are they, since that would affect your answers?) 7.
What are your plans for the future if you are exonerated? Sincerely, Gretel C. Kovach, military affairs reporter
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