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Marine AWOL question from the Air Force Lawyer network.  Please contact Scott Stubblebine directly.  Reminder, Eric is on these too!  This just came in this morning.  Marcy

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Hoard <edhoard@gmail.com>
Date: November 18, 2011 7:31:10 AM EST
To: "Reserve & Retired JAG (Google Group)" <reserve--retired-jag-network@googlegroups.com>

Friends & Colleagues,

This one, from networker Scott Stubblebine (scottalma@frontier.com), is a little different.  Actually, it's a lot different.

Scott's friend, Mikey, has a sister who is an immigration lawyer with a client with another problem outside of, but which impacts, the sister's area of practice.  Mikey thinks the fellow who is at the center of this set of facts may be in trouble.  [Something in me tells me Mikey's right about that.  -edh]

Mikey's sister says a client's US citizen son joined the Marines, stayed in 8 or 9 months and then left.  The mother doesn't think he got a dishonorable discharge, because "they" came to the house and tried to convince him to come back, but the mother doesn't know if he left with the correct paperwork.  [I don't make these facts up, I just pass them along.  -edh]

Mikey's attorney sister wants to know if there is any way of determining whether this apparently former Marine is in trouble without getting him in trouble.  She says it strikes her he is not a deserter, but admitting she is asking questions in a complete vacuum, says she doesn't know what the rules are.   Mikey's sister would like the [former?] Marine to file an immigrant petition for his father, but she doesn't want to do anything until he gets his own issues straightened out.

If you or anyone you know can help Mikey's sister out with this rather interesting set of facts, please contact Scott at the email address noted above.
