Dear Mr. Hadous,
This email will confirm that on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, you have requested the deposition of the witnesses listed below. Today is November 10, 2011. We are in the process of obtaining dates from our clients and will provide those dates shortly. As you are aware, the depositions have been scheduled numerous times in the past only to be cancelled by you at the last second, even though Defendants have appeared and been prepare to go forward with the depositions. Defendants will continue to cooperate with discovery as they have in the past.
Patrick R. Sturdy
Attorney for Defendants
On 11/9/2011 12:53 PM, Nick Hadous wrote:Gentlemen,Please provide us with convenient dates for depositions of the following parties:1. Defendant Keller2. Lee GavinIf we do not hear from you by the end of the week we will schedule these depositions unilaterally.Cordially,Nick
Offices in Dearborn, MI and Scottsdale, AZ
Nick N. HadousAdmitted:- State Bar of Arizona- State Bar of California- United States District Court,District of ArizonaEastern District of Michigan
Direct: 313.415.5559
Office: 313.450.4670
Fax: 313.846.6358
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