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Using Google +1 with your LawGuru Profile Listing

Dear LawGuru Attorney Member,

You may have recently heard about the Google +1 button (for more information on Google +1, see www.google.com/+1/button/). This is Google's version of a "social connection" or "social network". When you are logged into a GMail or Google account, the +1 icons appear next to Google search results and ads. You can "+1" something simply by clicking the icon to the right of the search results. This will tell your friends, co-workers, and family members in your Google network that you think something is worth checking out. You can also see what websites your network is recommending when their names appear next to search results they have +1'd.

Using Google +1 also allows a search result to be viewed as "more relevant content", which moves certain webpages further up the list in search results. Google also says in their FAQs that using +1's "may increase your site's visibility and make your site's snippet more compelling, which may in turn increase the odds that users will click through to your page."

Why Is This Important To You?

By asking your network to +1 your LawGuru.com Attorney Profile in Google search results, you will make your listing more relevant and may move it up in Google searches; which means more people will see it and be able to find you and your law practice.

How Do You Do This?
  1. Visit www.google.com. Login to your GMail/Google account, or create one at www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount?continue=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&hl=en.
  2. In the Google search bar, type "YourFirstName YourLastName LawGuru". For example, if your name is John Smith, you would type "John Smith LawGuru"; press Search.
  3. Your LawGuru.com Attorney Profile should be one of the top listings on the page. Click the +1 box to the right of your search result.
  4. +1 LawGuru.com Homepage's search results listing.
  5. Pass this information along to other people in your network to gain more +1's for your LawGuru.com Attorney Profile.
We hope this information can help you gain traffic to your attorney listing, and in turn, gain clients.

Feel free to contact us at marketing@lawguru.com if you have any questions.

The LawGuru.com Team

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