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RE: SALEH - witness requests? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

Mr. Faraj, 

I sent the email below to your co-counsel on US v. SALEH but got her
out-of-office autoreply.  She's apparently gone until 20 June.  

Original PTO from COL Robertson on this case made motions/Def witness
requests due yesterday.  Are you not going to make any requests?  I only
recalled because my calendar reminded me that any Govt denials were due




CPT Russell Wardlow
Chief, Military Justice Division
OSJA, Building 230, Fort Irwin, CA 92310
Office: 760-380-5754 or 4414 [DSN 470]
Fax: 760-380-3481 
Cell: 909-921-2900 

-----Original Message-----
From: Wardlow, Russell D CPT MIL US USA FORSCOM 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:33 PM
To: Douglas, Laquisha S CPT MIL USA FORSCOM
Cc: Wright, Matthew E CPT MIL US USA FORSCOM
Subject: SALEH - witness requests? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO


Were you not going to make any motions or witness production requests?  


CPT Russell Wardlow
Chief, Military Justice Division
OSJA, Building 230, Fort Irwin, CA 92310
Office: 760-380-5754 or 4414 [DSN 470]
Fax: 760-380-3481 
Cell: 909-921-2900 

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

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