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Fwd: Why You Don't Want A Skinny Girlfriend

-----Original Message-----
From: AskMen <AskMenAList@em.askmen.com>
To: alimosallam@aol.com
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 4:49 pm
Subject: Why You Don't Want A Skinny Girlfriend

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AskMen A. List // may 6, 2011
on women's bodies
Why Thin Isn't In With Us
Why? Because you're never ever going to drink again until Tony's cookout.
We've all heard the litanies regarding the fashion industry and it's effect on women's body image, and we have to proest: Ladies, it's not us. Believe it or not, most men do not select women based on how closely they approximate a coat hanger.
Believe it or not, most men are programmed to be attracted to normal, healthy women -- in fact, we kind of evolved that way. Natural selection gave women the curves we enjoy, and the fact that some fashion designers and photo editors still find the Ziggy Stardust androgyny of 1974 to be shockingly transgressive... Well, it's not our fault.

Read on for why the whole "body issue issue" just isn't our thing..

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What's The Best Travel Destination For Guys?
Why? Because we've done the calulations.
It's that time of the year again. We've ranked the best cities for men to party in, drink in, dine in, and maybe absorb a bit of culture in if you have any time to spare. Which city will be No. 1?
Check out the AskMen homepage on Tuesday, May 10 for the answer.
   it does happen
Is She Faking It?
Why? Because it always happens, like, a minute before House comes on.
OK, guys. Think your wife or girlfriend isnât faking it? Or that faking only happens in other peopleâs bedrooms? Think again. According to the recently published National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, 85% of men said that their partner had experienced an orgasm during their most recent sexual event, while only 64% of women reported actually having had an orgasm.
  askmen on fashion
How Much Will You Pay For Jeans?
Why? Because our $15 Wranglers apparently make us look like we're eight years old.
When we see $300 jeans, we all raise an eyebrow (heck, even the men who work in the fashion industry have their doubts). We assume that the guy spending big faces on his jeans is the same man who's the Foursquare mayor of at least two tanning salons and is planning a trip to Ibiza with his bros. But why are we so quick to judge? Maybe there's something to be said for high-end jeans.
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Avoiding The Awkwardness After
Why? Because you actually said that aloud.
We don't know whether it's the post-climactic comedown, the startling clarity of a libido-less world or the realization that you don't know whose room you are in or where you are, but guys sometimes say weird things after sex. It is not simply a matter of unusually direct physical inquiries, the voicing of insecurities that would have been better left unvoiced or a poorly timed introduction of the whole "taxicab issue," but things that resonate longer, and even end up affecting entire relationships. Do you really want your "first time" to have to be "the time you asked if you should give her money?" Read on for a few tips.
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