Haytham, Sorry, I was in court into the evening the last two days on two 32s. I can submit a discovery request, though obviously its getting a little late. You just want the roster, plus the normal stuff? V/R, LT Gough Charles C. Gough LT, JAGC, USN Naval Legal Service Office North Central Detachment Great Lakes 2540 Paul Jones Street, Bldg 2, Ste 100 Great Lakes, IL 60088 (847) 688-4753, extension 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Privacy Sensitive - Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure can result in both civil and criminal penalties. NOTICE: This e-mail communication is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain unclassified confidential and/or attorney-client privileged information. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying or dissemination of this communication is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by telephone or e-mail and delete all copies received.
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