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Fwd: From Col Huff

FYI from Dr. Huff.
Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
1800 Diagonal Rd, Suite 210
Alexandria, VA 22314

The information contained in this electronic message is confidential, and is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that any use, distribution, copying of disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify Puckett & Faraj, P.C. at 888-970-0005 or via a return the e-mail to sender.  You are required to purge this E-mail immediately without reading or making any copy or distribution.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Huff <landrewhuff@pol.net>
Date: January 25, 2011 3:08:45 PM EST
To: Neal Puckett <neal@puckettfaraj.com>
Subject: From Col Huff

Neal --

Forward to Meridith and Haytham.  My e-mail is messed up so I only get my work e-mail by forwarding it to my personal e-mail when I'm away from the office as I am now (in Seattle).  As you can see, e-mail addresses get stripped on the headers, so it is easier just to send to you.

"Hurt people hurt people."

People in American society know that sexual activity with minors is illegal.  In other cultures it isn't.  But it can still seem normal if as a very young person it was a frequent and customary part of your life.  This will really be interesting if there was not other maltreatment or neglect at all.  Usually this is not the case in American society; one normally globally disregards the needs of the child.

I'm TDY to San Antonio and Qatar from 17 Feb to 5 Mar.

I could travel to Miramar perhaps on 3 or 4 Feb, see this person on 4, 5, and/or 6 Feb, and fly back to DC on 7 Feb.  This would minimize my duty days away.  This isn't how I would normally propose to operate.

I have to recertify in basic and advanced life support on 8 and 15, 16 Feb all day.

The big problem:  my availability for a late Feb/early Mar court martial.  I'm also on the hook for a March court martial at Parris Island; date hasn't been set and Judge Greg Palmer may decline the defense's request for me.  I'll do a telephonic session on Thursday with Maj Palmer and others on the line.  Should know more after this.

Col Huff
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Lester COL USAF AFRRI/DIR Huff" <HUFF@afrri.usuhs.mil>
To: landrewhuff@pol.net
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:38:36 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:38:29 AM
Cc: Marshall Meridith; Faraj Haytham
Auto forwarded by a Rule

My co-counsel, Marine Maj Meridith Marshall at MCAS Miramar, is seeking approval today for your appointment to our case, U.S. v. GySgt Marcus Bell.  He is in pretrial confinement at the brig there.  We discussed this case last month, I believe.  Raped and impregnated his 11-yr-old daughter.  He and his wife both victims of childhood sexual abuse.  We're in need of a full workup of him in order to present a full and robust mitigation case at his sentencing hearing in the springtime (TBD).  You mentioned that you could do that at Miramar in a clinical setting over the course of a day or two.  Looking forward to working with you again.

Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
1800 Diagonal Rd, Suite 210
Alexandria, VA 22314

The information contained in this electronic message is confidential, and is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that any use, distribution, copying of disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify Puckett & Faraj, P.C. at 888-970-0005 or via a return the e-mail to sender.  You are required to purge this E-mail immediately without reading or making any copy or distribution.

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{\*\htmltag116 \par<BR>}\htmlrtf\par\htmlrtf0\fs18\b\protect From: \b0\fs18\protect Puckett Neal[SMTP:NEAL@PUCKETTFARAJ.COM]

{\*\htmltag116 \par<BR>}\htmlrtf\par\htmlrtf0\fs18\b\protect Sent: \b0\fs18\protect Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:38:29 AM

{\*\htmltag116 \par<BR>}\htmlrtf\par\htmlrtf0\fs18\b\protect To: \b0\fs18\protect Huff, Lester COL USAF AFRRI/DIR

{\*\htmltag116 \par<BR>}\htmlrtf\par\htmlrtf0\fs18\b\protect Cc: \b0\fs18\protect Marshall Meridith; Faraj Haytham

{\*\htmltag116 \par<BR>}\htmlrtf\par\htmlrtf0\fs18\b\protect Subject: \b0\fs18\protect CONFIDENTIAL ATTY WORK PRODUCT

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{\*\htmltag64}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 Andy,{\*\htmltag72}\htmlrtf\par}\htmlrtf0

{\*\htmltag96<div>}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0{\*\htmltag64}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 My co-counsel, Marine Maj Meridith Marshall at MCAS Miramar, is seeking approval today for your appointment to our case, U.S. v. GySgt Marcus Bell. 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 He is in pretrial confinement at the brig there. 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 We discussed this case last month, I believe. 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 Raped and impregnated his 11-yr-old daughter. 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 He and his wife both victims of childhood sexual abuse. 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 We're in need of a full workup of him in order to present a full and robust mitigation case at his sentencing hearing in the springtime (TBD). 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 You mentioned that you could do that at Miramar in a clinical setting over the course of a day or two. 

{\*\htmltag84&nbsp;}\htmlrtf\'a0\htmlrtf0 Looking forward to working with you again.{\*\htmltag72}\htmlrtf\par}\htmlrtf0


{\*\htmltag96<div>}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0{\*\htmltag64}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 Neal





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{\*\htmltag84<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 18px; ">}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0

{\*\htmltag84<i>}\htmlrtf{\i\htmlrtf0 Neal A. Puckett, Esq






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{\*\htmltag84<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; ">}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 LtCol, USMC (Ret)







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{\*\htmltag84<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; ">}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 Puckett 

{\*\htmltag84&amp;}\htmlrtf&\htmlrtf0  Faraj, PC







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{\*\htmltag84<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; ">}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 1800 Diagonal Rd, Suite 210







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{\*\htmltag84<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; ">}\htmlrtf{\htmlrtf0 Alexandria, VA 22314







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