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Automatic reply: Audio Visual Services Group ("AVSC") vs. Dodd, Michael, et al. - REF# 1440002745

Dear Clients & Associates,


Thank you for choosing JAMS. Please note that I will be out of the office from December 22 through December 28.  If your matter is urgent, please redirect your correspondence as follows:


Judge Brickner, Judge Mandel:  Laura Aguilar - LAguilar@JAMSADR.com

Judge Pratt, Luis Knobbe:  Puja Jatwani - PJatwani@JAMSADR.com

Justice Wallin, Judge Thrasher:  Marissa Powers MPowers@JAMSADR.com


If the individual is not available, please call 714-939-1300 and have your call redirected to any avaialable Case Manger.  If your matter is not urgent and can wait until I return, I will respond on December 28, 2010.


Also, please note that JAMS will be closed for the Holiday on December 23 and 24. I wish you and yours a holiday filled with peace, joy and laughter.


Thank you,


Marty Crouse

Case Manager