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Re: Wofford Alternative Disposition

I wanted to inform you that CAPT Bethke, the CA in this case, has decided to alternatively dispose of IC1 Wofford's case. 

CAPT Bethke will withdraw and dismiss all charges that are currently referred to SPCM against IC1 Wofford, without prejudice to the government and will notify her of administrative separation for all of the now-charged offenses. CAPT Bethke has decided that based on all of the current circumstances, he will agree to take this to an administrative board. No out-of-area witnesses will personally appear for the government or for the defense.  

The paperwork to effectuate CAPT Bethke's wishes is in the works and we as the government, will forward that withdrawal paperwork to the judiciary for official withdrawal from the court docket as soon as we get it.

I want you to know that I received your discovery request and plan on responding to it in writing sometime in the next week or two. Please let me know if you wanted to modify this request considering that we are now going to be heading towards an adsep board.  I will be out of the office next week, TAD to DC, but will return on 25 October. The paperwork should be done and filed by then in my absence.

In the meantime, let me know if you need anything from me and we'll work the process on this end in the next week.

Take care, respectfully,

LT Elisabeth H. Pennix, JAGC, USN
Senior Trial Counsel
Region Legal Service Office, Midwest
2540 Paul Jones Street
Bldg. 2, Suite 300
Great Lakes, IL 60088
PH: (847) 688-3805, DSN: 792,3805
FX: (847) 688-2481

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