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Major Socrates Maroudis was the IRO. He said his decision was based on concerns about the violence between SSgt Vega and Dana Orcutt during their relationship, notwithstanding the fact they have not been in contact since Dec 2009. He also said he was concerned the gun has not been found.

Sir, I gave Maj Maroudis your number and told him you were on standby during the hearing. He said he had spoken to you previously and was aware of what you would offer during the hearing.

He did not indicate he would provide a written reason.

If there is anything more you need let me know, Capt Logan is out of the office and will return Monday.


Capt Boyer

-----Original Message-----
From: John H. Schweitzer [mailto:John@cadivorcelaw.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 10:17
To: Haytham
Cc: Logan Capt Gavin K; Boyer Capt John F
Subject: Re: VEGA

Any reason given on the record?
Any written reason forthcoming?
Name of IRO?

I would like this information from any of you as soon as possible so that I may include it in my recommendation.

Thank you,
Major Schweitzer

Sent from my iPhone

591 Camino de la Reina, Ste 802
San Diego, California 92108
619.688.6505 work
619.688.3985 facsimile

On Sep 10, 2010, at 9:43, "Haytham" <haytham@puckettfaraj.com> wrote:

	Maj Schweitzer,
	Thank you for making yourself available. The IRO denied our request to release. 

	Haytham Faraj 
	Sent from my iPhone

	On Sep 9, 2010, at 11:11 AM, "John H. Schweitzer" < <mailto:John@cadivorcelaw.com> John@cadivorcelaw.com> wrote:


		ALL: Is the IRO going forward this morning?  I have been on standby waiting for a call from the IRO or TC/DC Ãââ please let me know.  I may be reached at 619.688.6505 or on my cell at 858.220.4180.



		Major Schweitzer


		Major John H. Schweitzer, USMCR

		Judge Advocate, Legal Support Services Section-IMA

		Marine Corps Installations West, Camp Pendleton

		619.688.6505 work

		619.688.3985 facsimile

		858.220.4180 cell




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