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*New* IMHG S4 // old-S4 moves to IMHG-S3

From:  Maj Ted Card, USMC
To:    Contacts Listed in the 'To:' line, above...

*New* S4 for IMHG - Major Amede Hanson, USMC ('amede.hanson@usmc.mil' or  
	Amede isn't really 'New' to IMHG.  In fact, she's been the S4, as well as, the XO for IMHG, before.  But, you may not know her because, she's been TAD to the CENTCOMM AO, for the past 7 months.  So, Amede is back and will be the S4/IMHG, as appropriate for an 0402 (you're finally rid of the Infantry-guy).

Major Card's intended schedule, for the rest of the month is:
  4-5 April	continue as S4, push-out IMEF(Fwd) MB4
  5-7 April	turnover & billet re-acclimation with Major Hanson
 8-12 April	TAD to NYC
13-29 April	sabbatical (locking myself in a IMHG Vault IOT write Fitness Reports & Awards WRT S4 Marines)
   30 April	checking-in & moving to IMHG/S3
    3 May	1st day as IMHG/S3 (i.e., I'm moving down the hallway)

Of course, as you'd likely expect, I'll endeavor to provide a complete turnover to Amede.  And, I assure you, I'm quite cognizant of the 'in-vogue' projects, which should be afforded her full attention:
	-current FOS' for TempLoans and supporting IMEF/G4 Taskers
	-Training & solving mobility issues WRT V2 CapSet (IMEF/COC)
	-Shutting-down the IMHG/UMCC, following MB4's launch
	-Finalization of IMEF equipment Cross-Leveling
	-Training on new MEPDIS-R at IMHG/Engineers
	-deliberate planning IOT ensure prepositioned equipment & supplies supporting a notional MEB  
	-Embarkation/shipment/delivery of MCCS-gear for IMHG(Fwd)
	-Determination of Top10 Critical Equipment Shortfalls by TAMCN
	-Facilities with Maintenance Contracts/Warranties, specifically the MOC (e.g., lights, flashing, UPS)
	-increased attention to police of IMEF Campus
	-Publication (final editing) of IMHG/MOTOR-T SOP
	-Establishing realistic PMCS schedules of all IMHG/Admin-deadlined Motor-T & Engineer equipment

Perhaps, as IMHG/S3, I will no longer find myself (following CGIP, DAT, & FSMAO inspections, OEF EDL-builds & UMA-closures, embarkation of the IMHG + IMEF/CE to AFG, etc. (all in an unfamiliar MOS assignment)) closing-out the email traffic after 2045 in the evenings, as I've quite consistently done, for the past 9 months ... Well, there's always wishful thinking...  Semper Fidelis.

Very Respectfully,
Maj Ted Card, USMC

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