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RE: RDO Street Lights

Thank you Esther for your update. 


I believe we will all be watching, waiting and noting what is done and what is not done by the elected officials of the City of Oceanside regarding this matter.




Pat Kostial

4732 Aliso Way

Oceanside, CA 92057

From: Esther Sanchez [mailto:ESanchez@ci.oceanside.ca.us]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:17 PM
To: tom@tributaryla.com; Kelly.schlitz@cox.net; Gabriela.delvalle@yahoo.com; Rachel.mcguire@hotmail.com; patkostial@cox.net; philmorin@cox.net; abergara@cox.net; harry1t@att.net; tphillipp@cox.net; lance7463@gmail.com; lbrandt@grantgc.com; alvarezma84@sbcglobal.net; ekulik@cox.net; lori@chollar.com; haytham@puckettfaraj.com; bandittcj@sbcglobal.net; stevens.jen@cox.net; dee@investorcollins.com; wilsonj@cox.net; galves@farmersagent.com; lewis_mark_r@bah.com; jrhoffman@cox.net; James.Hartmann@prescriptionsolutions.com; ehartmann@cox.net; ralogan55@hotmail.com; cbrown@northcoastchurch.com; r.roshon@att.net; vnflash1@gmail.com
Cc: Jim Wood; Peter Weiss; John Mullen
Subject: RDO Street Lights


To:  Lee Brandt, Tom Picard, Kelly Schlitz, Gabriela DelValle, Morgan & Rachel McGuire, Patricia Kostial, Philip Morin, Amanda Bergara, Harry Tatarian, Tom Phillipp, Lance Pine, Manuel Alvarez, Ed Kulik, Lori Chollar, Haytham Faraj, Christian Johnson, Jennifer Stevens, Deleise Collins, Kevin Wilson, George Alves, Mark Lewis, John Hoffman, James & Elise Hartmann, Rick & Kim Logan, Chris & Amy Brown, Reuben Roshon


Dear Rancho del Oro residents,


Thank you much for your e-mails regarding this very critical issue.  We have been working jointly with your HOA board to come up with a solution on how we can help replace the neighborhood's street lights.  I am very anxious to avoid any possible public safety issues.  I care very much about our children and their safety.


This evening, the city manager addressed this issue at the city council meeting.  Although he talked during a period of time on the calendar entitled, "public comments on items not on the agenda," we wanted to make sure you knew that we are all working on a solution.


Again, thank you for all your e-mails.  I will be following up with our city manager and city attorney to ensure this problem is taken care of.


Best regards,

