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Filing ICO Wuterich v. United States, USCA Dkt No. 11-8009/MC

Ladies, Gentlemen:

Attached please find electronic service of the Order Response in Wuterich--original has just been filed in hard copy--producing a slightly larger range of dates--Jan through Nov.

Per my phonecon with Col Sullivan yesterday, we've hand-delivered a hard copy of this and the entire Record (approx 900 pp) to Code 45.  If you would like us to produce additional copies, please let me know.

Best regards,

Brian K. Keller
Deputy Director, Appellate Government Division Navy-Marine Corps Appellate Review Activity (NAMARA) DSN 325-7682, -7680; Comm 202/685-7682, -7680 FAX 202/685-7687
Email: Brian.K.Keller@navy.mil

"Nullius in verba."

Attachment: 110324 WuterichFD CAAF Gov Order Response 200800183.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature