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Rqst Termination of Promotion Delay ICO Maj E.T. Card, Jr. USMC

XO - before you launch this, please let me check-it...
Between the dotted lines, is the text which I would like you to send via email to these addresses: rescind 

  To: "HQMC_JAMP_OMB@usmc.mil;" "brandon.w.barnett@usmc.mil"

  Cc: "steven.m.hanson1@usmc.mil;" "james.baehr@usmc.mil;" adam.j.workman@usmc.mil;" "haytham@puckettfaraj.com;" and, "alison.l.daly@usmc.mil"

  Bcc: "edward.card@usmc.mil"
From:  Maj Donahue, XO/IMHG
  To:  Military Law Branch, Judge Advocate Division, HQMC
       Captain B.W. Barnett
Info:  Colonel Hanson, CO/IMHG
       Defense Counsel, CAMPEN
       Deputy-SJA, IMEF

1.  The Charge and Specifications, listed on Page 2 of the attached .PDF doc, against an officer belonging to this Command, have been dismissed without prejudice by the Commanding General of I Marine Expeditionary Force, Lieutenant General T. D. Waldhauser, USMC.

2.  ALNAV 007/09 FY10 U.S. MARINE CORPS LIEUTENANT COLONEL SELECTIONS, published in February 2009, announced the selection of Major E.T. Card, Jr., USMC, for the promotion to the grade of Lieutenant Colonel, with a selection # of 302.

3.  MARADMIN 303/10 OFFICER PROMOTIONS FOR JUNE 2010 AND PROJECTED OFFICER PROMOTIONS FOR JULY 2010, projected that Maj Card would be promoted on July 1st, 2010.

4.  This Command requests that SECNAV be notified of the aforementioned development in Par. 1.  This Command further requests SECNAV cancel any further delay of promotion for Maj Card.

5.  Please reply to this message with additional instructions, if necessary.  In reply, please include this addressee:  Major Card ("edward.card@usmc.mil").

Major Shane Donahue, USMC
Executive Officer, I MEF Headquarters Group
Camp Del Mar, CAMPEN
Comm:  (760) 763-XXXX

Thanks, Ted

Attachment: 20110516_Dismissal-of-Chrg+Specs-ICO_USvCard.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature