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Request for Delay & Draft Motion to Suppress


I fully anticipate that if we push hard enough on the phone, the Judge will grant delay.  I already spoke to my command, and new counsel is ready to be appointed if the delay is granted.  Additionally, I met with Chief Natividad and he signed my release if this occurs.  

Regarding the Motion, I am attaching my draft to this e-mail.  I am basing the motion on the request for counsel, since Chief clearly made his intention known from the first interview by Mr. Stout.  Counsel was only provided to Chief after the 5th interrogation.  I based the suppression on this issue because it is the strongest argument.  

I put the motion in your name because if I am removed from the case, the motion should come from someone other than myself.  Please feel free to make whatever changes you need.  

Finally, I came across a shell selective prosecution motion that I am sending your way.  Not sure if you find it helpful or not.


Attachment: MOTION TO SUPPRESS.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: MOT - Defense Motion to Dismiss Selective Prosecution.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature