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FW: Emailing: U.S. v Captain Wacker Corrected Findinds and conclusion of Fact dtd 7Apr11


Christian P. Hur
Captain, USMC
Senior Defense Counsel
Telephone:  (619) 524-8713
Fax:  (619) 524-6784
Address:  Defense Section, Bldg 12, 1st Floor, MCRD, San Diego, CA 92140

This email may contain Attorney Work Product.  Please delete if you received
this message in error.

-----Original Message-----
From: Murcio Sgt David D 
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 13:28
To: Day Capt Evan A
Cc: Hur Capt Christian P; Jones LtCol David M
Subject: Emailing: U.S. v Captain Wacker Corrected Findinds and conclusion of Fact dtd 7Apr11

Captain Day, this is LtCol Sullivan and I am emailing from Sgt Murcio's computer account at Bld 1160 CamPen

Enclosed please the military judge's corrected finding of fact in this matter. Please ensure that a copy of the enclosure is attached to the original record of trial ICO US v Captain Wacker, USMC

Captain Hur, please forward a copy of enclosed to Mr. Faraj for his records

LtCol Sullivan

Attachment: U.S. v Wacker Findinds of Fact 7Apr11.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature