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FW: SSgt Wuterich


Got this response back from the adj.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tweedy 1st Lt. Myles F 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 8:35
To: Marshall Maj Meridith L
Subject: RE: SSgt Wuterich


We are working this issue and should have a final answer sometime today.  I will follow-up with you when we know the answer.  ( I expect to have an EAS reset today that will be within 10 days tops).

1stLt tweedy

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Maj Meridith L 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 8:12
To: Tweedy 1st Lt. Myles F
Cc: neal@puckettfaraj.com; haytham@puckettfaraj.com
Subject: SSgt Wuterich

1stLt Tweedy,

I am the detailed defense counsel for SSgt Wuterich.  He told me yesterday he does not have an EAS date.  Not having an EAS date is preventing him from accomplishing certain things that I have asked him to accomplish as soon as possible.  

What needs to happen IOT for him to get an EAS date?  How can we expedite this?


Major Marshall

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