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Re: considerations Nov 3

Capt Combe,
Thank you for abiding by the discovery rules. I owe you some work product today but I have been stuck with a client getting processed in DC. I will try to get the documents to you this evening. 

Haytham Faraj 
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:03 PM, "Combe Capt Peter C" <peter.combe@usmc.mil> wrote:

> Mr. Faraj,
> Forwarded pursuant to the Jencks Act.
> Capt Peter C. Combe II
> Trial Counsel
> Office of the SJA, MCB Quantico
> 3250 Catlin Ave.
> Quantico, VA 22134 
> Comm: (703) 784-0037  DSN: 278
> Fax: (703) 784-0035  DSN: 278
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ariana Klay [mailto:arianaklay@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 7:33
> To: Combe Capt Peter C
> Subject: considerations Nov 3
> Evidence against the attempt to discredit me in Hudspeth's investigation and items like Cpl Franquez signing a statement he didn't write, with the threat of punishment if he didn't sign it, or all of the sexual harassment that was proven in Hudspeth's  investigation seems important to U.S. vs Rowe.  As you have told me repeatedly, and as I have experienced, a major tactic of the defense is to discredit me.  Evidence against this strategy is therefore necessary if there is to be a fair trial.  
> MCCDC, through its investigation of me that Col Paul Montanus initiated in response to my equal opportunity complaint, has focused tremendous energy on discrediting me and my complaint about the command climate at Marine Barracks Washington.  My appeals have amply demonstrated MCCDC's bias, condonement of and participation in sexual harassment, and its retaliatory actions in response to my sexual harassment complaint, as well as the incidence of fraud, waste, and abuse at Marine Barracks Washington through the hiring and protection of an unqualified civilian--my boss, Suzanne Brick, who was having sex with Maj Jones (who recommended she be hired and whom she worked directly for) and many other officers in the National Capital Region.  Capt Hoover's silence during the threats and harassment of the Article 32 hearing is more demonstration of MCCDC's bias, as is MCCDC's use of the Article 32 hearing to attack me again.
> Evidence of command complicity in coercing a junior Marine to sign a false official statement against me would further demonstrate MCCDC's bias, and justly discredit MCCDC's attempts to discredit me, which you have said repeatedly Capt Rowe's hired attorney will use as a centerpiece of the defense. 
> The evidence of Marine Barracks Washington's harassment and command climate,  would also further demonstrate Capt Rowe's position of power against me and how terrifying Capt Rowe's threats of putting me through further Marine Barracks Washington sexual accusations and harassment would be.  I had already watched Capt Rowe's peer, Capt Wilson, do this and then get rewarded with an extension and selection for the Barracks' most prestigious job, while I was subjected to repeated and weekly humiliation as the completely falsely alleged gang-banging slut whore walking mattress of the "sex, lies, and video-tapes scandal."  The fact that Marine Barracks Washington retaliates against those who complain of such treatment is further evidence of how terrifying Capt Rowe's power was, how utterly degraded and powerless I was, and also evidence of how natural it would be for a sexual predator at Marine Barracks Washington to use the command climate to help him humiliate, dominate, and rape his female victim(s).  This was a horrendous command climate where I fell into alcoholism and depression; Capt Rowe pretended to have the power to help me out of the misery I experienced from that climate and from my alcoholism, and then he used that command climate, along with his death threats, to gang rape me.  As he told me he would when he raped me, he's now using that command climate to set himself free, and given how he told me he enjoys thinking about what he did, I'm confident he'll use his freedom to rape more people's wives.  I don't think you want that on your conscience.
> I understand you are in a bad position.  I have watched senior MCCDC officers, with law degrees, butcher the law and the english language for the past year.  I suspect that you have some such lawyers above you in your chain of command, and that they are making up rules and protocols and distorting law, fact, and common sense to believe what they want to believe and protect what they want to protect.  They certainly don't want to protect me, when they can protect their generals, protect themselves, and "protect the Marine Corps."  I do not expect there is a single Marine who thinks it would be a proud moment for the Marine Corps when a trial uncovers that Marine leaders, with general officers' knowledge, put a rapist on posters and calendars while it retaliated against the victim, and that all of this happened at the Commandant's house.  It may seem that it would be for the best if the disgraced recovered alcoholic lieutenant takes one more resounding assault from Marine Corps leadership in their assertion that the drunk slut wanted what she got.  That's a trampling of the law, though, an afront on common sense, ferocious cruelty, a grave injustice, and a resounding announcement--which many in the Marine Corps have fully taken to heart--that perception is more important than reality, it is easier to abuse the weak than to question the strong, and sometimes that abuse is both really fun and really easy.
> As a captain you are, according to Marine Corps hierarchy, weak.  I hope, in your heart, you are strong, because both your options, in this trial, are to lose--lose the trial but protect yourself, or lose your integrity but protect the law.  Thank you for your time.   
> Ariana