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[Military Lawyers - Puckett & Faraj, PC] Comment: "Navy SEALs Fair Trial Jeopardized"

New comment on your post #1005 "Navy SEALs Fair Trial Jeopardized"
Author : Charles Tupper (IP: , 24-117-241-147.cpe.cableone.net)
E-mail : tupperaz@gmail.com
URL    : 
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
This is absolute crap that our government would even do this. These experts have a job to do and this sends a message that they should not protect us as they will face charges for breaking a monsters nail. I just don't believe this and this administration is endangering our country and all the US citizens. I look forward to voting out every single one of them. They blame George Bush and badmouth him but we were safe 7 years under Bush. Mr Obama and his croneys don't deserve the respect of the American people until they get it right. A terrorist is a terrorist not a soldier is a terrorist!! Respect those who serve.

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