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[Military Lawyers - Puckett & Faraj, PC] Comment: "Navy SEALs Fair Trial Jeopardized"

New comment on your post #1005 "Navy SEALs Fair Trial Jeopardized"
Author : Noami Rose (IP: , c-76-23-60-128.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)
E-mail : naomiro@comcast.net
URL    : 
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
For a government to spend the billions is does to sustain a well trained military, with additional training for the higher risk troops (SEALS, Special Ops), send them out under orders with not much more than a licorice stick is ludicrous. Quit the sham. If we are warring against the terrorist enemy, let it be a war. If it's a political action, then let the politicians and PC military 'fight it' on the picnic grounds. 
 This only proves that the military is more interested in their careers and maintaining their CYA files than in winning anything and you collectively have become a laughing stock. I chuckle every time I pass the Pentagon. What a joke.
 Now, you ask the taxpaying citizens to continue to support you? WE, at least, are not interested in throwing good money after bad. 
 Retire. Open a golf driving range. Stay away from our young troops. Release these SEALs and return them to duty to do what you have trained them to do. 
  A 'fat lip'. Really! I believe they showed considerable restraint. That they allegedly 'lied' about part of it only proves you have set an atmosphere of distrust among the troops. Shame on the leadership. When a fish stinks, it stinks from the head. 
 If only we could vote the military 'leadership' out of office.

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