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[Military Lawyers - Puckett & Faraj, PC] Comment: "Neal Puckett on FOX "American Newsroom""

New comment on your post #1019 "Neal Puckett on FOX "American Newsroom""
Author : mark givens (IP: , c-71-62-115-125.hsd1.va.comcast.net)
E-mail : markagivens@comcast.net
URL    : 
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Please give my regards and support to the SEALS. Tell them "ooh-rah" from a Marine stationed at Quantico. I cannot believe this is actually being brought to trial - what a waste of time and resources - but once again, political correctness runs our country.  What a shame when a punch is considered more despicable than four of our countrymen being burned on a bridge.  The SEALS should be awarded for their bravery and for doing what their superiors told them to do.   Tell them I will buy them a beer if I ever meet them.

Maj Mark Givens

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