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RE: Question

This was just a passing mention of somebody having a hard time getting a job and who has been in alcohol/cocaine recovery for six years off an on.  He’s been on workman’s comp for a questionable injury and claims that his substance/medication/alcohol abuse came back as the result of the injury.  Problem was, the injury was mild to non-existent.  He claimed to have twisted his back.  Never any shred of physical problem. 


Yes, when DC plows my street and it is safe to drive or public transportation is running more efficiently, we should get together.


I’ve been off yesterday and today.  Snow is coming down right now.


I’ve been put on as team lead for one of six teams at Headquarters Air Force to go over the Ft. Hood shooting report and make sure the AF complies with the recommendation or recommend changes so that we come into compliance.  This will last until 15 Apr 10 and I won’t be doing any other work or any travel before it concludes.  My concern:  the report isn’t due to SecDef until 1 Jun, so this could go beyond 15 Apr.  So, I’ll be around.


I’ve been picked to be the Deputy Director of AFRRI.  The should lock me in place for 3 or 4 more years UNLESS somebody in the AF bids me for a higher level job, like commander or functional lead at a subordinate headquarters.  I’ll know I’m “safe” from moving on 30 Mar.  But I think it’s unlikely, given that the AF nominated to be the Director of AFRRI.  Even though I didn’t get picked for the Director position, they should still allow me to serve as Deputy.  The President of the USUHS assures me that he’s locked me in and has spoken with the AF Surgeon General.


I missed your last TV appearance.  Got your text message, but couldn’t get to TV.




From: Neal Puckett [mailto:neal@puckettfaraj.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 3:38 PM
To: L. Andrew Huff
Subject: Re: Question


Possible.  Would have to know more.  You can get an honorable discharge.  Depends on the reason for his separation.  Medical ones or homosexuality ones or alcohol rehab failure ones are almost always honorable.  He also could have received a "General under honorable conditions discharge" which some folks think of as an "honorable" discharge because of the language.  

We should get together and catch up.


Neal A. Puckett, Esq

LtCol, USMC (Ret)

Puckett & Faraj, PC

Washington DC | Virginia



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On Feb 9, 2010, at 12:47 PM, L. Andrew Huff wrote:



I just heard about a 39 year old guy who claims that he got an honorable discharge after going AWOL from the Marines when he was 18 years old and spending 30 days in the brig.


Can it be true?


Lots of snow up here.  My street hasn’t even been plowed.  The mayor is 2 blocks away.  His street looks pretty good.

