Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, Dr. Sears. From time to time, we receive
opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and
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Florida Woman Drops 45 Pounds
Even worse, aerobic and cardio training - the kind most doctors and even the federal government promote as the path to good health - can actually wreck your body. Do enough, and it will make you sick, tired, and old before your time.
This Harvard Health Professionals Study backs me up on this. Researchers followed over 7,000 people. They found that the key to protect your heart is exactly the opposite of "cardio." It's not endurance. It's intensity. In fact, they proved that the more intense the exertion, the lower their risk of heart disease.1
And that's not all. Another Harvard study compared
vigorous and light exercise.2
Those who performed exercise that is more vigorous had a lower risk of death than those who performed less vigorous exercise.
Aerobics and cardio are low-intensity, long-duration exercises. This Harvard study clearly shows that this kind of exercise increases your risk of heart disease and death.
Enduring hours of drudgery only to increase your risk of disease doesn't make sense. It isn't natural, and it doesn't work.
As I showed Terri, there's a better way to burn fat, boost your lungpower, and build a strong heart.
PACE Is the Most Effective Fat Burner
Known to Man... and the Easiest
It shocks most people, but Terri started doing PACE by walking for 45 seconds, then stopping to rest. It's true. All she did was walk for a few seconds and rest for a few seconds, then repeat. That was the level she felt comfortable with. It wasn't intimidating.
Starting with a very humble and easy workout, we slowly made progressive changes to each of Terri's workouts. Within the space of just a few weeks, Terri went from walking for 45 seconds to "power-walking" up steep hills. Today she can run, sprint, and do calisthenics.
As you can see, Terri made remarkable progress:
Body Fat (lbs) |
Lean Body Mass (lbs) |
HDL (mg/dL) |
Triglycerides (mg/dL) |
Over the course of 11 months, Terri:
PACE is proving effective across the board, from fat loss to cardiovascular health and beyond. Lowering triglycerides is especially helpful for Terri, because triglycerides are more of a risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol - especially in women.
Terri's lungpower is on the rise, too.
Terri's office is on the second floor. Before she started PACE, she would always take the elevator. Now she bounds up the 25 steps three or four times a day without thinking about it.
Praise for PACE From World-Renowned Doctors"Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom - could it be that cardio training is bad for your health? Dr. Sears makes the impossible seem possible, well written and referenced. This changes everything." Ronald Klatz, MD, DO "Dr. Al Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology. Now, he boldly introduces the PACE fitness program. This challenges present day exercise theory. However, the program is backed by considerable research, and I predict will become a standard part of a progressive Anti-Aging Protocol." Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS "If you exercise, you should read this book, and immediately improve the quality of your workout time. If you don't exercise, you should read this book, and start right away on the road to a longer, healthier, more vibrant life." Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD,
ABAAM "Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention." Paul L. Hester, MD,
MBA "Unlike any exercise program that's come before it, PACE enables you to get fit and stay fit regardless of where you started. It gives your body the chance to make the changes you need to stay lean, trim and disease-free." Dr. Lynne Kavulich |
PACE Is a Growing Revolution
PACE is already practiced by thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world.
PACE overturns years of failed ideas and exercise advice. PACE upends current exercise trends by revealing their flaws and offering a more effective, more natural way.
PACE stand for Progressively
Accelerating Cardiopulmonary
Exertion. It's an approach I developed to help my
patients get long-term results no matter how de-conditioned or
out-of-shape they were.
You can start PACE anywhere and at any level.
For Terri, all she could do when she started was walk. But today she's lost over 68 pounds and can sprint up hill.
PACE shows you how to replace flawed and ineffective
theories that were mistakenly accepted without proof with what really
In a matter of weeks, you'll:
The key to PACE's amazing effectiveness is already designed in your metabolism in something I call your "adaptive response." PACE allows your body to make adaptive responses that sculpt your body and strengthen your internal organs. PACE activates these changes, like flipping a switch.
PACE is so
revolutionary - and so often imitated - the U.S. Patent Office
awarded me an exclusive service mark (Reg. No.
2,950,571). |
For our ancient ancestors this was natural. They didn't run marathons or jump around for an hour at a time without a break. They exerted themselves in brief bursts, then rest. It was a matter of survival.
The metabolism you have right now is a result of this lifestyle. Millions of years of evolution have crafted the heart that's beating in your chest at this very moment. This pattern of brief intensity, followed by rest, is hardwired in your genes.
Your genes define the kind of movement and exertion you
need to survive and stay fit. Your muscles, bones, and organ systems are
reflections of this genetic design. And the way they work together with
the challenges of your environment is the formula for strength, vitality,
and long life.
The trigger that makes it happen is already within you, waiting to be activated.
This natural rhythm produces:
"I only started PACE five days
ago, have had three workouts on a stationary bicycle, and have
already lost 3 lbs., 2 1/2 inches around my waist, 1 inch off my
hips, 1 inch off my bust, and 1 inch off of each thigh. And my
resting heart rate has dropped by a full 10 beats!!"
"It's a miracle. I weighed 121 lbs. my entire life until I turned 45. Then I started packing on the pounds - and I couldn't get the weight off! I had tried what seemed like thousands of diets. After I retired, I came to see Dr. Sears. I ended up losing 24 lbs., right off the bat! Now I'm remembering the good old days! I'm so happy; I could kiss Dr. Sears right now!" Margaret V., Loxahatchee Groves, FL "After 30 days, I have lost 5 lbs.
and 1 inch from my waist. I am 70 years old and I have noticed more
energy and lung capacity. Great program. You are on to something BIG
with this program." "I have been using PACE with my
recumbent bicycle for about 8 weeks now. So far I have lost about 6
pounds, and my clothes are looser. I am particularly grateful to
PACE as I had spent months exercising with 'traditional aerobics'
only to see no results or a few pounds of gain (ugh!). Finally, I
feel like I have broken out of that rut and have momentum going
toward weight reduction and improved health." |
But here's what surprised even me about PACE...
Relight Your Native Afterburner
PACE puts your body into "fat burning" mode.
Imagine flipping a switch inside your body that tells it to stop making fat - and burn off all the excess fat you currently have... now you're starting to get the picture.
How does PACE do this? Part of the trick is about when you tell your body to burn off its fat.
Long-duration exercise like aerobics and cardio burn
fat during your workout. Sounds good, right? Not
at all. This sends a message to your body that you need a reserve of fat
available for the next time you do long-duration exercise.
This self-defeating cycle ensures that your body makes more fat every time you finish exercising.
That's why you may have such a hard time losing
fat at the gym. Every time you burn fat during exercise, you body reacts
by making more.
PACE sessions can be as short as 12 minutes. And they never last more than 20 minutes. That means your body never has a chance to burn fat during exercise. During PACE, your body burns carbs from muscle tissue.
This triggers your "afterburner." After you finish your PACE session, your body will burn fat to replace the carbs it just used. In fact, your body continues to burn fat for up to 24 hours after you finish... even while you sleep.
After a while, your body stops making fat. It simply doesn't need it. This after burn is the key to getting rid of excess body fat, not long hours of boring exercise.
My clinic is not the only place to document this amazing discovery...
Burn Up to 9 Times MORE Fat
Exercising LESS
To illustrate just how powerful the effects of this after burn are, take a look at this: Researchers in Quebec's Laval University divided exercisers into two groups: long-duration and repeated short-duration.3
They had the long-duration group cycle 45 minutes without interruption. The short-duration group cycled in multiple short bursts of 15 to 90 seconds, with rests in between.
The long-duration group burned twice as many calories, so you would assume they would burn more fat. However, when the researchers recorded their body composition measurements, the short-burst group showed the most fat loss.
"Dr. Sears helped me go from a size 16 to a size 10. I am very happy with the way I look now. I actually have a waist! My neighbor hadn't seen me in 3 months and could hardly recognize me. She was amazed and said, 'What on earth have you been doing? You look so good!' For the first time in my life, I'm looking forward to the future." Theadora W., Wellington, FL "I am now completing my 'rookie year' as a cop
and at 60, I am fully able to handle the daily rigors of the job. I
owe most of that to
PACE." |
In fact, the short-burst group lost 9 times more fat than the endurance group for every calorie burned!
You may be thinking - doesn't this defy the laws of
physics? Not really, when you realize that exercise continues to affect
your metabolism after you stop. The short bursts stimulated a greater
after burn. In my practice, even I must admit to being surprised by the
power of short bursts to burn fat and make people lean when cardio
In addition, exertion in brief bursts followed by recovery will produce other benefits to your metabolic health that will surprise you.
Here are just a few:
Are You Running Yourself to Death? Participating in a Marathon Can Put Severe Stress on Your Body This is the headline that reminded the world of Dr. Arthur Siegel's groundbreaking research into the dangers of long-distance running. His studies were published in the American Heart Association's journal Circulation. Results were sobering. The "inflammatory storm" triggered by the stress of running a marathon creates all the symptoms of heart disease. As Dr. Siegel puts it, "Your body doesn't know whether you've run a marathon. or been hit by a truck." The impact of these studies is consistently glossed over by the media. But the message is clear: Your body was not designed for running marathons. PACE makes long, boring routines a thing of the past. PACE consists of short bouts of intensity followed by rest and recovery. Total exertion is never more than 20 minutes. PACE gives you bigger muscles, a leaner body and more energy than you know what to do with. and you bypass all the dangers of traditional exercise. Reference: McGrath T. "Are You Running
Yourself to Death?" Leading British Newspaper Reveals: Six Minutes of Exercise a Week 'Is
as Good as Six Hours' Just six minutes of intense exercise a week does as much to improve a person's fitness as a regime of six hours, according to a study. Moderately healthy men and women
could cut their workouts from two hours a day, three times a week,
to just two minutes a day and still achieve the same results, claim
medical researchers. This article shares the findings of a leading research team at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada and highlights one of the PACE principles: short bursts of intensity. Later in the article, Dr. Gibala added: "We thought there would be benefits but we did not expect them to be this obvious. It shows how effective short intense exercise can be." This is no surprise. short bouts of high-intensity exertion trigger adaptive changes in your body. Blood sugar is used more efficiently, fat is easily burned and your performance ability skyrockets. But intensity is only one part of the PACE. To be effective - especially over time - applying rest, recovery and progressive changes is critical. These are the missing pieces most researchers overlook. Reference: Zimonjic P. "Six Minutes of Exercise a Week 'is as Good as Six Hours'," The Telegraph. Jun 4, 2005 |
Stay Independent and Mobile As You Age
After Terri used PACE, climbing stairs was easy. Being able to climb a flight of stairs without getting winded is a great victory for her. And, it's an important skill for you to maintain as you age.
Getting out of bed, out of a car, climbing stairs, picking up packages or boxes, carrying children or groceries are abilities that keep you independent and mobile as you age.
No one wants to end up in a wheelchair, stuck in an assisted-living facility or dependent on friends or family. And that's one of the key features of PACE: Building functional strength you can use in your daily life.
The good news is that you don't have to go to a gym or
lift weights to build real strength. You can do it anywhere, and at
anytime. In your house, on the road... wherever.
I use a specially designed set of calisthenics and body-weight exercises with PACE. You don't need any equipment or expensive trainers.
Terri used just a few calisthenics with remarkable results. Aside from being able to fly up a flight of stairs, Terri reports having more endurance, more physical strength, and the ability to do chores and daily activities that used to wear her out.
When you try PACE for yourself, I'll show you exactly how to do them. It's much easier than you think. And it's never boring. You'll feel exhilarated, not worn out.
In this letter, I've touched on just a few facets of PACE that deliver big results fast.
But to make sure you get all these benefits for yourself, I want to give you more...
Get Your Hands on PACE Today and Discover:
"I'm a 53-year-old ex-sporting
fanatic who has 'let it all go' since ceasing real sports about 15
years ago. I started PACE - treadmill, stepper, rowing, cycling, and
Hindu squats. My exercising heart rate has improved as well as my
recovery times. I never get on the scales anymore, but my jeans tell
me what I need to know - down from a 38-inch to a 32-inch waist.
PACE has changed not only my physical life but my outlook and
self-esteem - many, many thanks."
"I have lost 17 pounds over 9
months. I have not changed my diet - I've used PACE. I love being in
and out of the gym in such a short time." |
Now You Can Benefit From 25 Years
of My Own Research
Imagine watching your fat melt away with 12-minute PACE routines, just like Terri did... or waking up every morning knowing you have a close-to-zero chance of having a heart attack... or having the strength and mobility to travel the world - by yourself - well after retirement...
These are the kind of PACE-inspired achievements my patients report.
They don't worry about being overweight, they don't worry about becoming dependent on others, they have no need for most prescription drugs... and they don't fear sickness or disease.
PACE puts them in a league all their own.
It's a lot easier - and faster - than you think. In the
time it takes you to check your email or drink a cup of coffee, you can do
I Don't Want You to Miss
Claim Your FREE Gifts NOW!
PACE is the culmination of my 25-year career in medicine. It's already helping thousands of people from around the world.
I want you to transform your body and your health too.
So I'm giving you even more... much more.
I'm giving you 3 FREE PACE Bonuses that get you plugged into PACE right away.
To start, I just finished filming Rebuild REAL Strength featuring two of my best PACE coaches. In this video collection, they show you step-by-step how to do ALL the calisthenics and body-weight exercises you'll find in PACE.
These are the very same routines Terri used to drop 68 pounds in a matter of months. And my top PACE-certified trainers demonstrate them with an easy-to-follow style that makes them a snap.
They show you exactly how to do these moves to get the best possible results in the shortest possible time. And you don't need a gym membership or any special equipment. You can do them right in your own home.
When the video Rebuild REAL Strength is offered to the public, it will retail for $29.95. Today it's yours FREE.
But that's not all. When you start PACE, the fat comes off fast. To help you track your progress, I'm throwing in a PACE Workbook and a PACE Body Composition Calculator FREE of charge.
The PACE Workbook is specially designed to help you keep track of each PACE session and record the measurements that matter. Having this alone will ensure you burn the most fat possible. And it guarantees you won't get stuck in a rut or hit a plateau.
The PACE Workbook is an essential tool you won't find anywhere else. It retails for $12.95, but it won't cost you a dime.
The PACE Body Composition Calculator gives you an exact body composition reading. It shows you exactly how much fat you have, and exactly how much lean body mass you have. These two numbers are critical for finding your level of fitness and tracking your progress over time.
These are the same measurements I take with my patients. Knowing them is the key to success and progress. And now they're yours.
This innovative PACE Body Composition Calculator retails to my patients for $12.95, but today it won't cost you anything.
You're getting PACE... plus 3 FREE PACE Bonuses worth over $55.00...
Join the PACE Revolution Today...
Your Results Are Guaranteed
I teach PACE to my patients every day. Now it's YOUR turn.
Join the PACE revolution and your body will soon become naturally strong and resilient. You'll join the cutting-edge group of thousands who now feel energized, motivated, and ready to take on any challenge. Your muscles will be their intended size, no bigger or smaller. Your chest will be robust, your waist thin, and your breath will be deep and focused.
"I'm in my 6th week of PACE, and I'm wearing clothes I'd given up all hope of ever wearing again. People keep asking me what I'm doing and I can't say enough about PACE. Did I mention I'm a cardiac patient with a pacemaker? I feel better than I have in years, and the best part is, I'm in and out of the gym in a few minutes! I used to spend hours there! When I think of the thousands of dollars I've spent on other weight-reduction solutions that were, in reality, no solution, I could cry. Who would have thought it could be this simple?" Denise B., Alpharetta, GA |
And the best news is that joining the PACE revolution takes on average only 12 minutes per day.
As part of our PACE family, I'll give you the same
consideration I give to my friends and patients.
If for any reason you feel PACE isn't for you, simply call me or send me an email, and I'll immediately refund your money. No questions asked.
And as my way of saying "thanks" for trying PACE, you'll keep your 3 PACE Bonuses with my compliments.
That way, I take all the risk. It makes PACE easy and stress-free.
And that's good news.
For decades you've been told to exercise for an hour a day, to go to the gym, to sacrifice your time, even your sanity. Now we know that it just isn't necessary. You don't have to suffer to be happy.
PACE Is the Antidote to the Stress
Frustration of Traditional Exercise
Try PACE for yourself. Watch the fat disappear... Feel your heart beat stronger and your lungs expand with pure oxygen... Listen with pride as your family and friends praise your transformation...
Thousands of my own patients have already made this a reality. Now YOU can too!
Please take advantage... it's all here for you.
You get PACE for just $39.95...
Plus, you get your 3 PACE Bonuses:
So don't delay. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. Seize the opportunity and get started RIGHT NOW!
You must be absolutely convinced PACE will burn fat, bulletproof your heart, and turn your body into a disease-free powerhouse - all in 12 minutes a day.
Or you don't pay anything!
Choose your package below and click the link. That's it!
I'll be with you every step of the way.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, M.D.
P.S. Order the deluxe package RIGHT NOW and I'll throw in another SURPRISE BONUS absolutely FREE.
It's an exclusive, never-before-published report called 45 Pounds in 45 Seconds, and it gives you Terri's story and workout step-by-step. You'll see everything she did to achieve her remarkable results, and I'll show you exactly how to do it.
This report is straightforward and easy to follow, and
it's worth the cost of the entire package alone.
Plus, you'll also get
my bestseller, High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps.
High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps cuts through all the diet myths and makes hitting your ideal weight a sure thing.
Follow the simple instructions and watch the pounds disappear. Fit into jeans you haven't worn since high school. Get rid of that spare tire. Vanish those "thunder thighs." Watch cankles - and your extra chins disappear.
But you have to act right now. This offer won't be around
forever... it's strictly a limited-time offer. And with my no-hassle
guarantee, you have nothing to risk.
Yes! Dr. Sears, I want to try PACE for
myself and watch the fat disappear... feel my heart beat stronger and my
lungs expand with pure oxygen... Listen with pride as my family and friends
praise my transformation...
PLUS, you'll receive
my monthly e-newsletter Health Confidential and my twice-weekly patient
letters, Doctor's House Call.
You'll get answers to your questions on sex, aging, fitness, weight reduction, disease prevention and everything you need to stay looking young. In every issue you'll get step-by-step advice you can use right away.
You'll also receive up-to-date advice on new supplements,
warnings about dangerous drugs and news to stay healthy and
Please send me the package I choose
PACE Premier Deluxe Package: $69.95You get a hardcover copy of PACE: The 12-Minute Revolution, Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps and your 3 FREE Bonuses:
PLUS you get your SURPRISE BONUS, 45 Pounds in 45 Seconds, the detailed report showing you the exact plan Terri used to drop 45 pounds by walking for 45 seconds. And that's not all... The PACE Premier Deluxe Package gives you 2 EXTRA FREE Bonuses:
This special series of Dr. Sears workouts is a must
have. Don't get left out... Order your PACE Premier Deluxe
Package today. |
PACE Premier Package:
You get a hardcover copy of PACE: The 12-Minute Revolution, and your 3 FREE Bonuses:
Dr. Sears' iron-clad money return
guarantee of satisfaction
I understand that if I
am not satisfied,
I may return the PACE program materials
to you
within 60 days for a full and prompt product refund.
I risk
1 Lee I, et al. Relative intensity of physical activity
and risk of coronary heart disease. Circulation. 2003 Mar
2 Lee I, et al. Exercise intensity and longevity in
men. The Harvard Alumni Health Study. JAMA. 1995 Apr
3 Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C. Impact of
exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism.
Metabolism. 1994;43(7): 814-818.
To learn more about PACE: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution, call 866.792.1035 or click here
Wellness Research and
Consulting, Inc.
Attn: Customer Service
11903 Southern Blvd., Ste.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
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