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Re: Brig Good Conduct Time

Can someone "nutshell" this for us?  To whom does it apply and how, based on offense and trial dates?
Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
Washington DC | Virginia

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On Feb 24, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Baker LtCol John wrote:


In case you haven't seen, as I suspect you have clients that are suddenly going to spend less time at the DB.


-----Original Message-----
From: Favors Col Rose M
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 14:28
To: Baker LtCol John; Tafoya LtCol Patricio A; Thielemann MAJ Christopher J
Cc: dwight.sullivan@pentagon.af.mil
Subject: FW: Brig Good Conduct Time

We'll post this on Sharepoint once we sort it out. Thought you should know ASAP. R/RMF

-----Original Message-----
From: Galaviz CW05 Abel
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 9:25
To: Averhart CWO4 James T; Harris CWO2 Robert L; Hawthorne CWO4 John I; Hermann CWO Martin R; Hershman CWO3 Chad L; Pagan CIV Radomet R; Rawlins, Shane CWO3 USMC AETC 37 TRG/USMC; Stines CWO4 Joseph A
Cc: Francis LtCol Leon J; Parsons Maj Breven C; Favors Col Rose M; Shumake, Shawn COL OSD PR; Franks CTR Jenny L; Parra GySgt Arthur R; Nichols SSGT Christopher R

Brig CO's,  the first attachment provides administrative guidance on how to administer and capture a change in the rate of earning due to any current or future adjudged prisoners who's adjudged offense(s) occurred prior to 1 January 2005 but were adjudged on or after 1 January 2005 into CORMIS. The remaining attachments provide the history of where we came from. I expect that you will continue to get some cases in the future that this policy will apply to, especially in the case of long term deserters who receive sentences in excess of 1 year. Although it will be remain the responsibility of you and your staff to monitor, track, and make adjustments to these cases as they present themselves, our office will also monitor and when needed, make phone calls to your staff reminding them to make the required changes.

Col Shumake, Col Favors, LtCol Francis, and Maj Parsons this info is provided only FYSA.   

Respectfully Submitted,
CWO-5 Abel Galaviz
Head, Corrections Section
PP&O, PS Division, PSL Branch
Com (703) 614-1480/2095 dsn 224
Email: Abel.Galaviz@usmc.mil
SIPR: GalavizA@HQMC.usmc.smil.mil
<Ex Post Facto Good Conduct Time Analysis Policy Letter.PDF><Graner - Chu Memo (Stamped).pdf><Ex Post Facto Signed Memo .pdf><Ex Post Facto Signed Memo 21 Jan 10.pdf><document2009-12-07-084630.pdf>