Dear Friend of HUMAN EVENTS:
It pains me terribly to write a letter like this, but HUMAN EVENTS
needs your help.
Let me explain...
You may recall that, for several years, the federal
government's taxpayer-subsidized mail-delivery monopoly
-- aka the United States Postal Service -- has been hitting us with
a whopping 20 percent rate increase that drove up our
annual delivery costs by more than $170,000.
To put it bluntly, this is a staggering sum that we simply can't afford.
Now, it's outrageous enough that the USPS can continually
jack up our rates without fearing any loss of our business
to more cost-efficient competitors -- something it can
do ONLY because federal law effectively
protects it from private competition.
But what really burns me up is that these increases
are part of a new rate system that was designed in part
by lobbyists for liberal media giant Time Warner and
other large publishers to benefit themselves at the expense
of smaller competitors such as HUMAN EVENTS.
So instead of Time Warner's mailing costs ratcheting up
like ours, the cost of delivering liberal Time
magazine and other Big Media publications increase
at about half the rate hike forced on HUMAN EVENTS
(and that's after some of those publications actually
had a decrease in postage costs while ours increased!).
Economists call the kind of behavior that Time Warner
and the Big Media conglomerates are engaged in "rent
seeking" -- using government to gain advantage over
And that economic advantage obviously can translate into
political advantage, as well. By "gaming the system"
in their favor, these liberal media conglomerates
have taken a big step toward silencing their conservative
This means there's much more at stake here than the survival
of HUMAN EVENTS. Free speech, and the right of
conservatives to get their message out on the same terms
as liberals, is also at stake.
And if the liberal media giants such as Time Warner get
away with this ploy, the consequences for the future of
our country -- at a time when the Obama administration
is trying to turn us into a European-style socialist state
-- could be catastrophic.
help us defray the cost of outrageously
unfair postal increases. The only alternatives we have
are to cut our already down-to-the-bone editorial budget
-- or to hike our subscription rates.
Both alternatives are unacceptable. That is why I'm turning
to you: frankly, I have nowhere else to go. HUMAN
EVENTS needs you to help us cover this
shortfall, and we need that help now.
Please send as large a gift as you possibly can. Our readers
have never let us down in the past. We appreciate all
your support over the years -- and thanks in advance for
your generous assistance today.
Tom Winter
President and Editor in Chief, HUMAN EVENTS
P.S. For 65 years, HUMAN EVENTS has
been fighting the good fight for conservatives. Now, the postage hikes are pressuring us financially as never before.
need your help now -- so please be generous!