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Secret Memo: Dems to Pass ObamaCare Within Weeks

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CFIF Eagle     Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are not mincing words. Their belief is that nothing is going to stand in the way of their plans to ram Government-Run Health Care down your throat - even if it means their political hides.
As Andrew McCarthy of National Review Online put it:

"Today's Democrats are controlled by the radical Left, and it is more important to them to execute the permanent transformation of American society than it is to win the upcoming election cycles."

     In other words, despite all the talk about bipartisanship... the smoke-and-mirror rhetoric... the bogus health care summit... Obama, Pelosi and Reid are working overtime to advance their "Government Knows Best" agenda. And, they're moving full steam ahead with their dubious scheme to pass what they view as the ultimate prize - ObamaCare.

     Truth be told, the unfortunate reality is that without a ground swell of grassroots opposition, they just may succeed.

     According to The Washington Examiner, Pelosi said on Monday she believes "...she can muster the 217 House votes needed to pass President Obama's massive health care bill via the so-called reconciliation process." AP's Charles Babington added, "Nine House Democrats indicated in an Associated Press survey Monday they have not ruled out switching their 'no' votes to 'yes' on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul...."

     Make no mistake, the threat of government-run health care becoming the law of the land is as serious as it has ever been. The only thing... repeat... the only thing that stands in Obama, Pelosi and Reid's way is YOUR willingness, together with that of your fellow Americans, to make your voice heard. The time to act is now.

Our best chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop it in the House of Representatives where we only need to turn a few votes.

Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said "No" to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand firm against government-run health care.

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Secret Democrat Memo Outlines ObamaCare Timeline

     Most rational people would have gotten the message sent recently by voters in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia that the American people are sick and tired of the back-room deals and legislative shenanigans... that we want ObamaCare defeated once and for all.

     But how are Obama, Pelosi and Reid responding? You guessed it ... with more back-room deals, more closed-door arm twisting and more secret schemes.

     As first reported by Inside Health Policy's Julian Pecquet and Amy Lotven, a new, secret Democratic memo sketching out a timeline for passage of ObamaCare has been revealed.

     Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic describes the details the details outlined in the secret memo this way:
"The gist is pretty simple: The House takes up the Senate bill and passes it by March 19. A few days later it passes a reconciliation bill and sends it over to the Senate, which starts the voting process on March 26."

     Translation: Passage of ObamaCare could be merely weeks away ... that is unless we act right here and right now to stop this latest scheme in its tracks.

Our best chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop it in the House of Representatives where we only need to turn a few votes.

Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said "No" to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand firm against government-run health care.

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More On The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Strategy

     You're probably hearing so much about ObamaCare and the Obama-Pelosi-Reid strategy to pass it that your head is spinning. So let's take a brief moment to break through the clutter...

     ... Let's recap exactly how this putrid legislative stew that Obama and the Congressional leadership have cooked up is going to be forced down your throat... and why ONLY YOU can shut down their little kitchen.

     In order for this latest scheme to work, Pelosi must get a majority in the House of Representatives to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare over the objections of the most liberal members of her caucus who, quite frankly, believe that the Senate-passed bill is simply not oppressive enough....

     That's where the legislative trick known as "reconciliation" comes in. If Pelosi is successful and the House passes the Senate version of ObamaCare and Obama signs it into law, the Senate will then "revisit" the issue and effectively amend the bill... after the fact... in accordance with what is being promised behind closed doors in exchange for votes to allow this sickening process to "move forward."

     Even liberal NBC News let the cat out of the bag on Monday: "Part of Pelosi's pitch to wavering Democrats would be a promise, negotiated tomorrow, that Senate Democrats would change key parts of the bill."

     At that point, nothing will be off the table. The Senate, by employing "reconciliation," could bypass a Republican filibuster and pass anything they want with a simple 51 votes ... death panels, more rationing of care, the government-run public option.

     Indeed, according to TalkingPointsMemo.com, a growing number of Senators, "including Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin - have publicly announced that they will vote for a public option if it's offered up during the budget reconciliation process, where legislation can pass with a majority vote."

     Our best hope to counter this latest scheme to pass ObamaCare is to bombard so-called moderates with as many faxes, letters and phones calls as possible in opposition. For every liberal vote Pelosi is able to secure, we must get a moderate to stand with the American people.

     The good news is I firmly believe we can beat Obama, Pelosi and Reid at their own game. But in order to do so, we all must do our part.

Our best chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop it in the House of Representatives where we only need to turn a few votes.

Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said "No" to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand firm against government-run health care.

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ObamaCare Was Never About Accessible and Affordable Health Care.

     This attempt to push ObamaCare was never about making health care more affordable and accessible to everyday Americans like you and me.

     If that were the goal, Obama and Pelosi and Reid could literally make that happen tomorrow. According to some estimates, eradicating taxes on health care would conceivably reduce the cost by 25-30% immediately ... Meaningful tort reform to end the practice of defensive medicine and permitting the American people to shop across state lines would lower the cost even more.

     But our so-called leaders in Washington aren't interested in seriously considering any of those commonsense ideas.

     So what is the goal of these radical leftists? Eric Blair, who wrote under the pen name of George Orwell, said it best over a half-century ago:
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

      That's what Obama, Pelosi and Reid want... total government control over every aspect of our lives. That's what ObamaCare is all about... that's what ObamaCare was always about.

     It is now up to the American people - you, me and tens of thousands of others - to stop it.

     No one else can win this battle. Congressional Republicans cannot stop ObamaCare (not without your help)... talk-radio hosts alone cannot stop ObamaCare...

     Talking-heads making observations that "reconciliation" is totally inappropriate under these circumstances, or that ObamaCare is unconstitutional, will not stop it... not even marches on Washington by themselves will not stop ObamaCare...

     The ONLY way that we are going to be able to stop ObamaCare is by YOU adding YOUR voice to the untold numbers of others who are already speaking out (even if you have done so already, many times before)....

     How the American people respond right now will determine the fate of this issue and so many others. We cannot stress that point enough. We either fight with everything we have or we just sit back and take what the Obama-Pelosi-Reid cabal has in store for us.

Our best chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop it in the House of Representatives where we only need to turn a few votes.

Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said "No" to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand firm against government-run health care.

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And So, It Is Up To Us ... The American People.

     Harry Reid has the votes to pull the trigger on "reconciliation." And it doesn't really matter that pulling the trigger on "reconciliation" is egregious and political suicide... because radical leftists have already made it abundantly clear that they are willing to walk the plank and die politically to advance their radical agenda.

     NRO's Andy McCarthy put it this way:
"In the Democrat leadership, we are not dealing with conventional politicians for whom the goal of being reelected is paramount and will rein in their radicalism. They want socialized medicine and all it entails about government control even more than they want to win elections. ... You have a party with the numbers to do anything it puts its mind to, led by movement Leftists who see their window of opportunity is closing. We seem to expect them to moderate because that's what everybody in their position does. But they won't. They will put their heads down and go for as much transformation as they can get..."

      Simply put, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are going to go for the gusto... the brass ring... and our best hope to stop "reconciliation" is to cut it off at the knees. Our best hope to stop ObamaCare is to stop it in the House of Representatives, prior to "reconciliation."

     Remember, the House version of ObamaCare initially passed by the narrowest of margins (220-215) and at least 31 Democrats who voted for it the first time around serve in very conservative districts.

     Yes, we have our work cut out for us. As Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) put it Pelosi is only down two to ten votes and "she is very good at muscling votes."

     There's not a moment to lose. If we are going to defeat ObamaCare, we must pound these 31 targeted Congressmen with tens-of-thousands of faxes in the coming hours and days. We only need a few of them to see the light, or as late great former-President Ronald Reagan said, "feel the heat," and we can stop ObamaCare once and for all.

     If we win this battle, ObamaCare will go away for good...along with the rest of the radical Obama agenda. As Senator Jim DeMint initially said, this battle over government-run health care could be Obama's "Waterloo."

     Let's get busy... let's make it happen.

Our best chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop it in the House of Representatives where we only need to turn a few votes.

Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said "No" to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand firm against government-run health care.

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Jeffrey Mazzella: Signature

Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom

Center for Individual Freedom
917-B King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

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the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.

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