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Your Local Deal for
Northern Virginia
$35 to Spend on Delicious Dried Fruit Snacks
Peeled Snacks
Sold by Peeled Snacks
The Details
Start the new year with tantalizing snacks that are healthy, too. Feel good about yourself when you pay $15 for $35 to spend on delicious dried fruit at Peeled Snacks.
Peeled Snacks offers an array of organic, gluten-free dried fruit snacks, which contain no added sugars or oils. Available in re-sealable pouches, these delicious bites are great when you're on the go and want something healthy. Choose from tasty apples, apricots, dates, mangos, bananas, pineapple, and more. And if they all sound too good to pass up, revel in a variety of flavors with the Fruit Pouch Samplers. Why wait? Grab this deal and eat right in 2012.
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