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Fw: Fw: ROGERS: Marine Corps stuck in the 1970s

----- Original Message ----- From: PCol Adolf Sgambelluri
To: Don Greenlaw ; JAG Dave Brahms
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: ROGERS: Marine Corps stuck in the 1970s


On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Don Greenlaw <dgreenlaw@cox.net> wrote:

 ----- Original Message ----- From: Ed Wilbur
 To: Don Greenlaw
 Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 11:51 AM
 Subject: Re: ROGERS: Marine Corps stuck in the 1970s

Hate to be one of extreme Negative feelings, But I would not want Mabus within the width of the nation near me. He shows about as much respect for our Military as does our so called leader.


 Gunny Grump

 On Jan 14, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Don Greenlaw wrote:

  Forwarded. Bill Fowler is a strong supporter
  of Sgt Hutchins.

  Semper fi,
  Don Greenlaw
  ----- Original Message ----- From: ewfowler@comcast.net
  To: clodagh2911@yahoo.com
  Cc: sandy damitz ; Don Greenlaw
  Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 8:20 AM
  Subject: Re: ROGERS: Marine Corps stuck in the 1970s

  Hi Clo,

Plus the SecNav has decided that Jan 17 (Tuesday) is the date for awarding the Navy Cross, posthumously, to the family of Lance Corporal Donald Hogan for his actions in August 2009. The ceremony will occur at Camp Pendleton while Wuetrich's trial is ongoing.

I, too, am very cynical about the leadership of the Navy/Marine Corps in both the Haditha and Hamdaniya cases. The timing for Mabus to decide "show up" for the award (he personally wanted to do it, according to the article in the link below) is beyond suspicion. It's more evidence of the ongoing "thuggery" in Washington and senior military leaders/officers.


If the upcoming decision on Larry's case is not overturn for undue command influence (re: Mabus comments in January 2009) then there is not a UCMJ.


  From: "Don Greenlaw" <dgreenlaw@cox.net>
  Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 1:30:32 AM
  Subject: Fw: ROGERS: Marine Corps stuck in the 1970s


  Semper fi,
  Don Greenlaw
  ----- Original Message ----- From: Clo Shivnan
  To: Don Greenlaw
  Cc: sandy damitz ; frank albano
  Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 10:15 PM
  Subject: ROGERS: Marine Corps stuck in the 1970s

  Hi Don,

  Re NC Times article by Rick Rogers:
  In observing the Wuterich Cout Martial I have pondered much the same as
Rogers calls out. As a civilian I also question how the 8 male jurors can reach a fair and impartial decision on Frank's case. Knowing what we know
  now about the SOFA talks, playing heavily on the sentences of Hutchins,
Behena and trial of Wuterich, how do we know that the current jurors will do
  the right thing and make a decision based on the facts and evidence
presented, and not succumb to political pressure and make an example out of
  Wuterich.  The stench of Undue Command Influence has been all over the
  Hamdania and Haditha cases and that stench still lingers today.  I wish I
had some faith in the UCMJ but I don't, the 8 jurors may render the Wuterich verdict but I feel the decision (influence) on which way to vote comes from

  Coloring my synical  view is the "timing" of the release of the Pee Gate
video of Marines from 3/2 showering some dead insurgents. The 3/2 Marines have been back in US for some time, some are even out of the Corps, but yet this video is "released" Wednesday. Tell me this video and the backlash on
  the USMC will not influence a Wuterich decision, I double dog dare you :)

  Here's the article from NC TImes:


  The definition of Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over but
  expecting different results.


Adolf P. Sgambelluri
Semper Fidelis

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