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ANC Membership Meeting



Missed you last night!  I wanted you to know that I am asking you to assist on another subcommittee.   This time, we are looking at the status/membership categories for reservist members.  General Lynch, a retired reserve officer, and Tom Dukes, a current reserve officer, are also on the subcommittee.  I wanted somebody with relatively recent active duty experience.  I may also assign another “player to be named;” I’m looking for somebody currently on active duty to serve on the Membership Committee.


I have assigned members with differing viewpoints to this subcommittee, as well as an “honest broker” with keen insight (you).  There are multiple issues here and potentially a major change in the way we do business; we can perhaps talk rather than me typing and boring you.


General Lynch will chair the subcommittee; I hope you’re able to join.  Please let me know at your convenience.  I’ll be on travel next week, but I should have access to email in the evenings.







P.S.  you were not assigned because you weren’t there; I had already thought about this quite a bit!